Originally Posted by CimmShark
lol yeah i'd say you lost the M4 battle m102404.
But if you want to get the SR-25 you're going to have to get certified with the ASC system to be able to play with them on their fields. Read into the Sniper Clinic thats happening in 2 weeks.
Uh, wut?
You don't need to be part of the sniper clinic to shoot a "sniper" rifle, unless you want to take advantage of shooting at a higher fps limit than regular AEG limits.
If the SR-25 shoots <400fps, you're good to go.
If you want to shoot higher than that, you need to make it fire semi only (as in, mechanically or electronically lock it out of full auto), and then take part in the sniper course or get the ok from the local game host before bringing it out to the field.

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