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Old March 5th, 2010, 19:46   #16
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
No problem, it's good to see that you made an informed decision. Although not the choice most of us would like to see (cause we're losing out on a player who actually reads the FAQ's). Good luck and you already made a good impression so if you ever feel the need to pick up airsoft again we'd welcome you greatly.

It's actually quite true that airsoft and paintball is somewhat "dying" in the sense that rapid growth has deteriorated the "quality" of player. However it's not dying in the sense that we have had rapid growth and is becoming almost mainstream. I actually like the direction paintball is going in (except the change to .50 paint) it seems to be going back to woodsball and milsim and speedball is kind of dying down. I guess it's like snowboarding when events, contests and all that were the rage and it's going the way of free riding and back country/off-piste stuff.
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