Noting my lack of quality I've decided to retake some photos!
Updated August 27th 2010.
Soviet, Russian, and Belarusian

VSR, khaki, olive drab, eger, partizan

Motor infantry furazhka, landing helmet, ushanka, splav cap, RUS beret, ANA skimask, pilotka

Saperka, regular canteens, 4 cell magazine pouch, light and dark grenade pouches

Plash-Palatka, AK74 dropcase, kotelok

Camel wool sweater, pilotka (again, oops!), tankist gloves, standard army gloves

GP-5 and carry bag

Suspenders, enlisted belts, officer belt, RusFed belt




6sh92 Disco Flora

6sh92 Yellow VSR

MOSKVA, Belarusian sapogi, M94 sapogi
East Germany

Proper ID?