Seller wanting your money...great comm.
Seller with your money...crappy comm.
Can make it out to the field only's play for "fox lake"!!
oh ya, horrible spelling in a post
Not being able to find a good, nearby, field to play on because "liability" is a word most cannot and will not get past. One rotten apple (radio program antique appraiser) suing a land owner for falling off his horse on their land and a kids charity loses it's biggest Ride for Cancer fundraiser..............sorry, but the idiot won. "I didn't understand what I was signing" (after signing the waiver).
Those who don't differentiate between a noob and a new player. There is a difference. Someone said on this forum...a noob comes knowing all the answers and won't listen, while a new player comes ready to learn and listen.
After 2 years I'm not exactly green, but I am still learning and listening.
huh, I guess i'm done, thanks!