Originally Posted by AngelusNex
Yeah I hate that.... first big game i ever attended that happened to me. Kept hearing somebody shouting "Move up! Move up!", so i did, while firing.... next thing i know I'm alone... surrounded.... and totally boned.
I was at a game last fall where the opposing team was actually advancing AROUND me and passing me.. I was so far ahead of the bunker n00bs they had no idea anyone on our team actually made it up that far.
Same game.. was in a firefight.. 3 on our side, 2 on theirs. I took out one, another team member took out the other. I look at the other two, yell "Move up!" and start running. I run into enemy fire, hunker down, and find the other two STILL at the same spot. They just looked at me and watched while I ran. Fuck that frustrates me so much.