Originally Posted by Aegiis
Yea, very good piece. Sold mine last month to a friend. 16mm thread, though, so watch out before you buy. G&P makes a suppressor for it.
That KSC MK23 suppressor is 16mm? The SD metal slide/threaded barrel I'm planning to get has 14mm. Do I have to get a CW silencer if my barrel is CW, and same thing if CCW? I've seen ones that say CW/CCW. I guess that means they are compatible with both?
Also I've seen a suppressor on 007Airsoft (
http://www.007airsoft.com/products/htm/silencers.htm)that looks exactly like the MK23 suppressor and is 14mm but for some reason it says it's for AEGs. Is it a typo? It also says it's negative threaded...does that mean CCW?