Originally Posted by Kos-Mos
Please, stop giving advices.
I read all of your posts and I have yet to find one that contains information that is right.
I have had 3 AUGs myself, and I am a gundoc. I have worked on/seen over 20 AUGs over time.
I also had P90s and repared some.
YOUR own P90 issue is caused by two things:
Any spring that shoots under 345 fps will cause V3 and V6 to double feed when used with 11.1v or higher. This is because of the way the cut-off lever works and it's relative position to the sector gear.
The stock motor does not offer enough drag to stop the mechbox right away, and the innertia of both motor's rotor and gears is enough to overcome the resistance of weak springs.
That is the reason why you have double feeding issues.
My last P90 was running on 11.1v 1500mAh 20C LiPo. Never had a feeding issue...
Seriously? I'm talking exclusively about P90s, and thought that because of the similarities (of the selector assembly) it MIGHT be a similar problem. I have still yet to open an AUG, although this will happen sometime soon.
I give you some simple facts:
- I's not my P90 I was talking about. I would never put an 11.1v lipo on my P90s in the first place...
- There was never an issue about double feeding. Not on that specific gearbox, and not on any of the other 4 I have at home either.
- That one issue causing fullauto with a 11.1v lipo was indeed fullauto, meaning that it did fire until the trigger (altho set in semi) was released.
- Me'n my friend have been been messing around a lot with our gearboxes, including the cut-off lever. The P90 in question was running an AB mosfet and would still fire in fullauto when the trigger was pulled all the way back in semi.
- The exact same mosfet would work flawlessly on all the other, some even identically specced P90s.
- Finally, bending the fullauto contacts on the P90 in question slightly more back, fixed this problem.
So there you have it "doc."
Oh, and why are you trolling me when it turned out one of my (and of course Jimski) advices worked?
Again sorry that the thread would have to move off topic!