Taking what I've learnt from my Digital Design course it would seem that the voltage is too high and "leaking" over the wires causing a "high" (1) signal to be transmitted instead of a "low" (0). As digital systems must be discrete structures (to the best of my knowledge) you can't have a "half/mixed signal being transmitted". For example, the cutoff for a 5 volt signal for example is 0-2.5v (not inclusive) and is translated as '0' and 2.5-5v is translated to a '1', the reason being why there is a "buffer" is that so it covers voltage drops and spikes.
So it would seem that maybe shielding your friends wires would help. Kind of like shielding on cables today (such as sine Cat5 and old co-ax cables) however it's probably expensive and increases (or is it decrease?) the guage of the wire which you kind of can't have in a tight system such as in an airsoft gun. Otherwise just using lower rated batteries like what you're friend is doing right now is probably a good enough workaround.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew