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Old October 21st, 2009, 01:32   #126
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
@ turok-t

If this spacer is as good as the modified PTW hop-up (as Azatoth claims), you should get groups like this:

These were shot from a CQB-R PTW (M130) with modified hop, using 0.30g Madbull IPSC BBs, distance precisely 100 feet from muzzle to paper. The gun was clamped in a Kolpin gun vise, which was set on a table. The crosswind was between 10-20km/hour that day, and my POI (point of impact) was about 18"-24" from my aim point off the right-hand side of the target. The black dots inside the pen circles are the impact holes, they are a little difficult to see on camera otherwise.

I can't tell from the vids what distance that is exactly, but it looks like alot less than 100 feet. You definately have an issue there.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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