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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:37   #92
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Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
Kullwarrior personnally i think internally that similarities to the real steel shouldn't matter as much, performance should always come first .who cares if it doesn't look exactly the same on the indside as long as it performs well and doesn't break down
then why don't you just take an AEG? since if performance is what you matter, AEG's performence is far better than GBBR. Besides, Magna system breaks, I look up onto build/repair AR-15, KJ breaks you ask someone on the forum hoping one of them is dumb enough to risk their GBBR and tries to solve it.

All I can say about the AR-15 type Clear GBBR, unless its made with Polycarbonate, and / or fibre reinforced polymer it will still break. Also its plastic makes it unrealistic, if it had been G36 series where the receiver is fibre reinforced polymer made by H&K it would've been easier. (Yes I know there were cases in the SL8-1 & 2 where the receiver crack, but since 5 years ago its fixed)
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