Originally Posted by burningashes
The probability of shipping something, waiting, Recieving it (Paying for the entire shipping), and then still ending up with a major fuckup. I believe something similar happened to a fellow airsofter here, except he wanted to anodize his metal body. Result: Total Carnage
This is a simple engraving, and coming
from someone who's already had nice
work done by the guy. I also spoke with
Dave at TAC this year when they had a
booth showcasing their work, quite good.
You make no sense. What does it matter
if you ship something and it gets messed
up, over something messed up closer to
home? Shipping doesn't increase your
risk of a bad job, only the overall cost
a little bit.
Communication is the key, I believe
Dave is on the ball, he completed jobs
for me that would have been impossible.
Judge for yourself—