chinese clones, tho you get what you pay for, are only $25. Would they last you through a war? hell no. will they last for a year of airsoft every weekend? yep, but you might need a new one next year. Or maybe some work on it here and there. ASCmart has nice 1000cord static vests starting at $60.
also depends where you play. My bro puts empty crushed water bottles into his empty pouches to "cushion" his crazy spetsnaz dives, rolls and running full speed into trees "for cover" when we play on the TWAT farm field.
Also you shouldn't ever need to keep bbs on your person in the field unless its a 5 hour scenario or the safe/staging zone is 20minutes away.
he who sleep with itchy butt, wake with smelly finger.
Last edited by Goge; August 21st, 2009 at 10:52..