Hello everyone. I just thought I'd share this with you guys as I was very excited to hear this. About 2 days ago I e-mailed WE tech asking for a custom made clear lower receiver for the scar, so I could head down to the states, slap it on and bring it up legally. but I got better news, here is the e-mail I received last night.
Hi *Batchokookies*,
I'm happy to notify you that a clear body SCAR will be available shortly for the Canadian market! ( see attached). Spread the words!!
Hi David,
Pls assure *Batchokookies* here that the SCAR will soon be available to the Canadian airsoft public, thanks!!
Kindest Regards,
James B. Chan
Managing Director
WE Tactical Training International
Hopefully it won't be too long, and I also hoped that the Canadian retailers adopt this item into their catalog!
I'm sure you all know about the WE SCAR, but for those who don't here are some info links;
YouTube - WE SCAR Introduction