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Old August 1st, 2009, 00:48   #6
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Red Deer, AB
In a nutshell, you can not get this permit. In order to get one, first you must obtain a Business Firearms License (BFL). You have to apply for it, go through all the inspections, pass the inspections (background checks, physical security requirements) and get approved. If you don't get approved, you loose your application fee. Private individuals do not qualify for BFL's only a legitimate business.

If you do have a legitimate business and a legitimate business need for a BFL, you may be able to apply for a Prohibited Items Permit. These are even tougher to obtain as typically only prop houses for theatre, TV & movie industries. You you somehow manage to win the lottery and get that, there will be a ton of conditions ties to that permit and you will be watched like a hawk.

Even then, CBSA can, and will, detain/seize shippments at will and your permit can be revoked or just not renewed at any time by your CFO.

Long story short, get AV'd and buy in country.

Of course, all of this information is in the FAQ, if anyone happened to be, you know, bored and bothered to look.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta
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