Thread: Training Tips
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Old July 23rd, 2009, 15:45   #14
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Location: Red Deer
Originally Posted by Mitchell12 View Post
Urban prone is just a no-no for airsoft... Hop-up becomes hop-over, that and you may have to engage OVER bushes and such and urban prone doesn't work there, Not to mention how exposed you leave yourself should an enemy come from an unexpected direction. And speed wasn't really a necessity as the enemy was guarding so he was relativley stationary, Minimal movement,noise and exposure were the key elements.

I have good shooting stance and technique with my off hand but I have much better technique with my good hand. Saying practicing off handed shooting is pointless isn't right. It has it's purposes and uses and SHOULD be practiced as should off handed reloading. Shooting with the primary hand should be the primary goal but that doesn't mean anything else isn't useful.
I think you misunderstand or i wasnt clear, or poor english. The key is that the time spent training off handed shooting can be better spent (IMO) on more strong side shooting and drills.

You can still urban prone a corner, you just need to adjust the bore of your gun or your weapon position to deal with the hopup. In the local field that is the is the most built up over here, i dial off my hopup as the engagement ranges are well <50ft and hopup really isnt needed.

Why practice off handed reload? This isnt real steel, I am not going to be wounded in the arm and have to reload off hand. I can never remember in 18 years reloading with the off hand.

For a brief time i shot off hand when corning right side obstacles, now i just slice the pie or shoulder the weapon on the weak shoulder but with primary hand on the trigger.
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(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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