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Old July 21st, 2009, 03:09   #22
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Scarbrah, Ontario
Originally Posted by FRIZZBI View Post
You are telling me that since I am a "minor" that I can not ask a simple question, and did I say i was buying it right away? I believe I didn't, i could be asking for future use? Didn't think of that, you just say an under age person asking a question and tell them not to ask a question because I am a minor and then tell me to "google" it which does not solver anything and is against the rules of the forum.
This look familiar? sounds like you FULLY intended on getting it now, so don't try to backpeddle, we're not as dumb as you think

Originally Posted by FRIZZBI View Post
Well, even if i dont get into a field, other field could be more understanding, and if that doesn't work out i can always go up north with my brother (also in the military) who owns an AEG and a couple of his friend to this cottage and play up there... Private property so w.e
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