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Old July 20th, 2009, 14:07   #5
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Originally Posted by Frozen Tex View Post
So this forum should be like the ex-SEAL who writes military action-thriller novels, but purposely changes details of specwar procedures so as no to "give away the goodies" to the bad guys? (Like, it sounds cool, but if you tried it in real life you'd get yourself killed.)
TTP's also change rapidly, especially with the amount of shooting currently going on.

You'll see that many ballistic shield courses now purposefully don't teach any pistol technqiues with shield, people were getting focused on returning fire, rather than the positioning of the shield and alot of simmunition was put into feet; dropping the shield operator, leaving the stack open to direct fire.

However... we also need to realize that some of the proceedures of yesteryears will be highly effective due to the safety concerns of airsoft. 'Nades are pretty rare and no blind fire, no crack-fire means you have very little indirect options of resoultion.
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