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Old July 16th, 2009, 13:21   #1
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Location: Toronto
Bunker Noobs - Play to Sit (and die)

What is a Bunker Noob?
When I started hosting a few games I quickly noticed the signs of what I call a bunker noob

- Sits at the spawn most of the game
- Tries to shoot people from sitting at spawn point
- Deaf to the command "Move up", "Clear it out", "Watch the left"
- Has a personal perimeter that he/she will not cross

At worst
- Gloats being the only one left alive (thats cause you hide in a corner)

How do you deal with them?

Playing at TTAC helped bring some good tools to teaching bunker noobs whats what. And its called Close Quarters Pain. They don't want to move out of the spawn point, well then teach them with pain by getting all your friends to storm their position.

Most likely one or two of your buddies will get hit but 4 vs. 1 with constant fire up close is a great teacher.

When I was at Defcon Paintball helping out new joiners get their feet wet in Airsoft and after 3 games of them not listening to me saying move up. I would swtich teams and run all the way to the other end to give them a nice surprise. 330 FPS Hicapa to the ribs or ass is a great close quarter pain teacher. Eventually they learned to take a more forward positions to take me out and soon they used their legs to finally get out of the spawn point, yay!

I found yelling at them may not work all the time, but shooting them works best, then after they moan and groan tell them why they are in pain and what to do next time, provided they come back again....
- Pistolero Steve -

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