Well, I'm not sure if this is out of place or late to say, but i've used a 4x scope for my M24 ever since I got it. A lot of people think magnifying scopes for any type of airsoft rifle are useless. But its far from the case. If you can get a nice, crisp lensed scope, It will help your shooting 'drastically'.
When shooting without a scope, you can follow a white bb pretty easily to an extent, but you can only see so far before it simply dissapears to your eyesight (Unless you're got incredible vision. I'm not so lucky myself)
But, with a scope, you can pretty much track the path of your bb from the second it leaves your gun (Or comes into your sight picture) 'till it hits whatever you're aiming at.
This is really, really nice for when it comes to correcting your shots. And if you can get a nice, fancy reticule for your scope, you can use the crosshairs and markers as reference points for tilting your gun against the wind for more accuracy. Do this unscoped? Sure, you could see it, but like I said, only to an extent.
This is just coming from a snipers point of view, I use my scopes for my bolt action rifles, I don't see much use of them for when it comes to AEGs unless they're upgraded like hell.
Just my 2 cents.
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