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Old July 13th, 2009, 13:50   #7
turok_t's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Actually I just bought a 552 from Huang and it looks AWESOME! The reticule is crystal sharp and the workmanship looks good too. However, I had to return it because the windage and elevation wasnt adjustable. Huang was nice enough to give me a full refund.

But Crunch, hows the parrallax on the Hurricane?? Even there is some parrallax, is it close to the real thing?? Im looking for one that has little parralax and was debating whether to get the UFC/G&P 552 or the Hurricane. The UFC/G&P is much cheaper and I would prefer to get that one but if the parrallax is much better, I might have to opt for the Hurricane. What do you think?

Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
All replicas have parralax issues. The only one without them is the real thing because of the fact it's a laser-generated hologram rather than a reflected RDS. That being said, Hurricane is the best of the replicas.

I own a 2nd generation Huang (G&P) 552, a Hurricane 552, a Bushnell Holosight (EOTech 502), and EOTech 552. For the price, the Huang one is good, although has some serious reticle visibility problems in bright sunlight. Otherwise, the optics are great and parallaxing is not severe and no ghosting issues. The Hurricane has a bright reticle that's easily visible in any lighting condition. Has less parallax than the Huang, but has ghosting on higher settings. And its reticle is very very "fat" compared to the real thing. The down side of the Hurricane is the further away it is from the eye, the more the reticle looks like a peanut than a circle, so if you like the sight on a front rail rather than a receiver, this is a bad choice. I don't even need to comment on the real thing. They're vastly superior to any replica in every way.

But for airsoft, I think paying $500+ for a real EOTech is serious overkill and unecessary. A Hurricane will more than fit the needs of most players. And if you primarily play indoors, the Huang will be a perfect choice, especially considering the price.
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