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Old July 12th, 2009, 01:08   #1
Ayashifx55's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Quebec, Montreal
How to start playing airsoft...?

Hi guys,

My friends and i just got age verified but all we have is an aeg , goggles and a pair of boots but we don't know who will accept newbies and how it'll work? We never played airsoft. I checked the games and all of them requires a certain type of clothes pattern ... isn't there a usual clothing that should be generally used ? (woodland green / od) ? and then theres mags and bbs rules ... Thank you for clarifying. It'll be really helpful, we don't want to get yelled : NEWB GO AWAY or whatever. We just want to prepare as much as possible but i haven't found that FAQ yet. Thank you for your time.

Were from Montreal. I have looked in few montreal's events/games already.
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