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Old June 20th, 2009, 15:08   #10
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Originally Posted by yuhaoyang View Post
systema M120 complete mechbox with a systema magnum motor, prometheus 6.03 inner barrel with prometheus 1 piece hop-up and rubber sleeve, new prometheus piston to put in the systema(get a gun doc, it takes 5 minutes), I would say madbull JP adjustable front end, a KA/CA/magpul reciever, a KA/magpul stock, and a magpul MIAD grip. done. lawl, it will cost a lot though, and it would take maybe an hour-hour and a half to put it all together.
That costs like twice as much as his gun does. He definitely doesn't need a complete systema mechbox.

Poison, does it work fine right now? If so, why do you want to change it? Buying parts just for the sake of buying parts is dumb.

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