- Exploded diagram in reference
I removed parts 260, 261 and 262 so that part 92 doesn't get pushed down.
Test firing resulted in a quick 3 shot burst, and then a blowback chamber jam. :banghead:
After unjamming piece 22, I test fired it again, resulting in one shot and the same jam.
Re-removed blowback assembly, and pulled part 22 (which brings part 23 [x2] with it).
Both 23's are a little bent up, and one end has been cut off, although it's still long enough... Are the condition of these springs very important?
Anyways, when I pulled 22, I notcied that part 27 was coming loose from the brass nub on part 250. I cleaned the oil off, and superglued 27 back to 250, and reinstalled.
Test firing resulted in a jam the first shot... (when I removed the assmebly again, part 27 was still snuggly attatched to part 250..., so I can't figure out what's jamming it..., maybe the mis-shapen springs (23 x2)...?)
I have a replacement blowback assembly (part 250 and it's connecting pieces, ie. part 27, 253, etc) however part 253 is a completely different shape than the one that's in the gun...,
Fits on lower frame:

Doesn't fit on lower frame:
when I try to use it instead, the slide refuses to go onto the frame, as the part 253 is sticking too far out, so much that it interferes with part 265 when trying to put the slide on the frame... (impossible to put on without breaking one of the two pieces...) What's the deal with this? (I don't know what model gun the replaceent assembly is from, but I'm pretty sure that the 18c/23f and 26c are all internally identical, which is why I'm so confused by the differing parts...)
Additionally, with the slide removed, I seem to get inconsistant action when "manually" (with my fingers) using the hammer assembly. What I mean by this:
If I cock part 263, push down part 81 and then push forward part 265, the hammer assembly is "ready to fire." If I press and hold the trigger, part 92 pushes on part 268, which releases the hammer. Here is where the inconsistancies begin:
If I recock 263 and push down 81, with the trigger still pulled, when I push forward on 265, -sometimes, randomly-, part 263 swings forward again (as it should), but other times, for some reason, part 92 slips off (under) part 268, meaning that 268 is being held down by 92, requiring me to release the trigger, )which pulls part 92 out from under 268, allowing it to pop back up, so when the trigger is puled again, 92 makes contact with 268, and pushes it back, allowing the hammer to swing again.
I'm thinking about removing the pin in the assembly (250) which holds parts 253, 254 and 251, and swapping those three parts into the replacement assembly in hopes of preventing the blowback chamber jams wich are interfereing with my problem determination of the lack of full auto mode...
- Can anyone give some insight into why my two blowback assmbleys feature different part 253's?
- Why is part 92 slipping underneith of part 268, despite the removal of the pieces that enforce semi-auto?
- And what are the common causes of blowback chamber jams in ksc glocks?
Thanks for reading,