Thread: GBBR questions.
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Old June 16th, 2009, 21:46   #1
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Location: Brantford, ON.
GBBR questions.


So, I'm not new to Airsoft, but like many - new to GBBR's (gas blow back rifles). I figured this would be the best place to chat about them.

I don't know about anyone else but, I can honestly see GBBR's being a major part of the future of Airsoft.

Here's the problem, from what I can see...

It's like the first-ever-made car. It's REALLY neat, but somewhat unpredictable and unreliable.

I've seen many threads about the downfalls of specific parts and different problems arising, but after all - is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

I would like to, after the kinks have been worked out, DEFINATELY get one...

The problem being - how long do we think might it be until these new toys ARE reliable (without 1000+ in upgrades and replacements) and usable in a large scale?
The Devil's Bench - Gaming Cafe, Brantford, ON.
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