Thread: Black AEG
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Old June 14th, 2009, 11:35   #14
Con Murder
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Lethbridge Alberta Canada
Sounds good, how long was buyairsoft screwing around before it got the letter or whatever? I Talked with the owner and he was so happy to explain that we can tell anyone where we got it and stuff. Then I talked to the operator (owners son) and the dude was like 'my supplier wants this behind a curtain or in a back room'. So whatever it is they are sketchy and two sided. Sometimes the operator can't even help with his own products, tried to sell me shit grenades that he couldn't explain how worked cuz they failed when he tried them.

Hey L473ncy where ya livin? PM me or something if your around lethbridge cuz there is a couple events around here your welcome to attend.
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