Originally Posted by Cuddles
I would recommend getting a more common gun like an M4.
I read the Dragon is basically an M4 but with the custom look. Please correct me if I'm wrong, must just be groggy

Originally Posted by Loathing
Yea, it's a JG M4 Stubby underneath all the plastic. If you take all the crap off, you have a stock M4 minus the front assembly. It's pretty solid, although the only reason I got it was for a wallhanger (the most unique looking gun out there IMO).
You can attach a scope or red dot to it if you want, but you'd need a M16 carry handle rail attachment to do it. Theres a tiny rail almost underneath the barrel as well (like maybe 3-5cm long) to which you can attach a small flashlight or laser too as well.
Yet again though, wall hanger.