Thread: Tm sopmod m4
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Old June 7th, 2009, 00:56   #18
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Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
I wouldn't call it a "little vibrator" by any stretch of the imagination.
Got a few rounds off tonight and its a decent kickback. Blowback? no not at all but its a nice enough kick, and most importantly to me, a better sound than any AEG.
I would stick to comparing this to electric guns, trying to compare it to a GBB is like apples and oranges.

I have fired the SOPMOD side by side with my KA Galil, both if compared to a GBB is like you said apples and oranges but if compared to another AEG that have the Blowback feature the cool factor would go to TM but functional and reliability would have to go to KING ARMS, The Galil blowback is not as crisp as the SOPMOD but in terms of reliability a old teamate SOPMOD broke down after 1 indoor game - the blowback unit somehow got jammed up and it cycles causing the gears to strip

Last edited by wildcard; June 7th, 2009 at 01:02..
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