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Search: Posts Made By: swatt13
Forum: Accessories Discussion April 25th, 2014, 01:22
Replies: 15
Views: 13,113
Posted By swatt13
Well if any of you watch combat mission series...

Well if any of you watch combat mission series none of the operators ran gopros. They all had contours. I'm sold on contours personally. I have had one for some time but sadly it didn't stand up to...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 20th, 2014, 10:39
Replies: 67
Views: 55,764
Posted By swatt13
I've had my Crye Jpc for almost two years now. I...

I've had my Crye Jpc for almost two years now. I have no complaints. I have been using it more with my RS training and course and it hasent failed or worn.

I certainly have not seen any issues...
Forum: Accessories Discussion January 14th, 2014, 19:59
Replies: 13
Views: 15,005
Posted By swatt13
Pm farva he has one for sale

Pm farva he has one for sale
Forum: General December 16th, 2013, 01:49
Replies: 179
Views: 136,290
Posted By swatt13
Ya Lindsay, Your from bc. I thought you'd know...

Ya Lindsay, Your from bc. I thought you'd know the difference between 4 grams and 12 grams. Especially when a 5.56 is the same size.
Forum: ASC News and Announcements December 10th, 2013, 10:39
Replies: 44
Views: 193,664
Posted By swatt13
Ya I don't get that. In my experience it's always...

Ya I don't get that. In my experience it's always been an Ontario seller :p but ya what hives?? I want said item charge me extra for thud shipping and send it to me or F off.
Forum: General November 12th, 2013, 19:13
Replies: 25
Views: 18,909
Posted By swatt13
Holy lancey your way off the mark. Alberta could...

Holy lancey your way off the mark. Alberta could easily be considered the epicenter for Airsoft in western canada. While the major clubs are Edmonto (ear) Calgary (Joc) and red deer (RAAT) there are...
Forum: General November 11th, 2013, 17:16
Replies: 9
Views: 7,076
Posted By swatt13
I personally like to remind everyone that though...

I personally like to remind everyone that though rememberance day is about remembering those who sacrificed their lives, those who fell were not the only ones who gave their lives. Soldiers who chose...
Forum: General October 8th, 2013, 19:35
Replies: 160
Views: 838,294
Posted By swatt13
Milsim to me gish is objectives. As you know with...

Milsim to me gish is objectives. As you know with me, I enjoy the scavenger hunts.
But you need to knock out this to get to that, which gets you this.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 15th, 2013, 11:24
Replies: 474
Views: 2,387,521
Posted By swatt13
I have the pdi tightbore in alm my ptws. When...

I have the pdi tightbore in alm my ptws. When couple with the mcguyver or tac hopup it Does add some accuracy, but I experienced a notable bump in range (20-40 ft) I love Em personally. I don't play...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 1st, 2013, 18:22
Replies: 474
Views: 2,387,521
Posted By swatt13
:banghead: Brad :popcorn: Me


Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 1st, 2013, 11:57
Replies: 474
Views: 2,387,521
Posted By swatt13
Splatter paintball carries bb bastards I use...

Splatter paintball carries bb bastards

I use bbb exclusively. Occasionally I'm forced to use devils. My preferred weight it .30 with .28 a close second depending on engagement distance. I...
Forum: General August 5th, 2013, 10:47
Replies: 179
Views: 136,290
Posted By swatt13
I use to be a huge advocate for real caps, but...

I use to be a huge advocate for real caps, but unfortunately as lurking knight mentioned 1bb does equal 1 bullet. It usually take 2 even three rounds to accomplish what 1 bullet could do. Wether it...
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 5th, 2013, 10:37
Replies: 7
Views: 6,110
Posted By swatt13
Friends off frank. No more special cuddle time at...

Friends off frank. No more special cuddle time at games.
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 4th, 2013, 20:42
Replies: 7
Views: 6,110
Posted By swatt13
I remember a time at cold front when a certain...

I remember a time at cold front when a certain someone's lone radio took out our entire battalions comms :) who needs to get caught using a radio jammer when all you have to do is buy some poor fool...
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 4th, 2013, 18:43
Replies: 7
Views: 6,110
Posted By swatt13
Garbage. That is all.

Garbage. That is all.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 27th, 2013, 11:07
Replies: 59
Views: 43,343
Posted By swatt13
Interested in this

Interested in this
Forum: General May 15th, 2013, 18:13
Replies: 36
Views: 25,164
Posted By swatt13

Forum: Reviews April 30th, 2013, 14:13
Replies: 205
Views: 261,763
Posted By swatt13
Ya I guess I should clarify that. I don't hate...

Ya I guess I should clarify that. I don't hate FCC, your entirly right c3. FCC has immeasurable warranty compared to systema. Anything on your systema goes wronge and its a trip to dtt, mcguyver or...
Forum: Reviews April 30th, 2013, 12:59
Replies: 205
Views: 261,763
Posted By swatt13
The 416 kit brad is talking about is the one I...

The 416 kit brad is talking about is the one I ordered. I was looking forward to having a unique tw. I was at brads last night to assist and was completly and utterly dissapointed.

We got my kit...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 29th, 2013, 16:27
Replies: 680
Views: 2,060,404
Posted By swatt13
Real. I've had a few. This ones ready to break so...

Real. I've had a few. This ones ready to break so gotta get ahold of another one soon
Forum: Gear Discussion April 28th, 2013, 17:53
Replies: 680
Views: 2,060,404
Posted By swatt13
Forum: USA April 19th, 2013, 21:15
Replies: 13
Views: 48,117
Posted By swatt13
Nice load out bud

Nice load out bud
Forum: Gear Discussion April 11th, 2013, 10:58
Replies: 23
Views: 26,492
Posted By swatt13
The JPC was a limited run, crye is doing another...

The JPC was a limited run, crye is doing another production run starting in mid april. So from what my sources tell me is the will start production mid april, and start shipping to military/ le...
Forum: SWAT/Police April 9th, 2013, 12:49
Replies: 39
Views: 239,095
Posted By swatt13

Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 9th, 2013, 12:47
Replies: 30
Views: 25,114
Posted By swatt13
i was afraid to open this thread when i first...

i was afraid to open this thread when i first seen it posted, now im sad as i missed all the shennanigans
Forum: USA April 7th, 2013, 20:56
Replies: 45
Views: 170,721
Posted By swatt13
I finally watched em up to date. I really like...

I finally watched em up to date. I really like the show. Makes me sad I was never shown that opportunity when I was younger, that's where I would have wound up I'm sure. Out of all the services the...
Forum: Airsoft Media April 4th, 2013, 10:37
Replies: 44
Views: 38,717
Posted By swatt13
BAM! edit; also i should post some...



also i should post some pics up.... i posed just for you kevin.... ok and you too frenchy....
Forum: Gear Discussion March 17th, 2013, 19:56
Replies: 15
Views: 25,182
Posted By swatt13
The ops core is designed for ear pro to be worn...

The ops core is designed for ear pro to be worn with the helmet between the shell and the retention harness so you don't need the rail adapters.
Forum: Newbie Tank March 11th, 2013, 17:30
Replies: 12
Views: 11,805
Posted By swatt13
There are a few levels of sniper certification...

There are a few levels of sniper certification and from what I recall is each level allows you to advance chronologically in fps.
The standard fps is about 420
dmr is 450
Sniper is 475
Ba is 490...
Forum: Airsoft Media March 11th, 2013, 16:51
Replies: 44
Views: 38,717
Posted By swatt13
I haven't gamed with it too much yet and I am an...

I haven't gamed with it too much yet and I am an ar platform guy for many years, so I will say this;

The furniture placement is more akward than I would have thought. I find myself always...
Forum: Reviews March 10th, 2013, 11:37
Replies: 205
Views: 261,763
Posted By swatt13
... Is that... A 7.62 platform? Mother of...

... Is that... A 7.62 platform?

Mother of god.
Forum: General March 7th, 2013, 12:36
Replies: 18
Views: 14,233
Posted By swatt13
I would definatly use this. Put my phone in my...

I would definatly use this. Put my phone in my map pouch on my sleeve and go. Kinda like halo or ghost recon I guess but genius. I like tht I can tap and report a position. You can mark out enemy...
Forum: Newbie Tank March 4th, 2013, 16:01
Replies: 24
Views: 15,448
Posted By swatt13
The m14 is a bit dated. The full length is...

The m14 is a bit dated. The full length is cumbersome and akward to wield. The socom is easier but still not very ergonomical or comfy. The guns themselves are sexy and good platforms to build on,...
Forum: USA February 28th, 2013, 18:13
Replies: 45
Views: 170,721
Posted By swatt13
I haven't. It was advertised on spike for natgeo...

I haven't. It was advertised on spike for natgeo but it for some reason isn't I. The program line up. I think it's a Canadian tv provider thing why it's not avail. Unless I'm wronge and its just Telus
Forum: Gear Discussion February 19th, 2013, 16:28
Replies: 1,150
Sticky: Helmet Gallery
Views: 2,973,368
Posted By swatt13
So I picked up my opscore bump, but I have a few...

So I picked up my opscore bump, but I have a few questions;
Is there a Velcro kit you can purchase for em? As well as so e of the gnarly accessories for the ach rails? Where do you pick them up at?...
Forum: Airsoft Media February 19th, 2013, 16:23
Replies: 44
Views: 38,717
Posted By swatt13
I defiantly would have to say so. Has a pretty...

I defiantly would have to say so. Has a pretty distinctive report a lot more notable than the mp9
Forum: Airsoft Media February 18th, 2013, 15:25
Replies: 44
Views: 38,717
Posted By swatt13
Hey Kev, got my Kriss. I was a little...

Hey Kev, got my Kriss. I was a little disappointed the barrel doesn't seem to be 14mm, rather a 16mm cw or am I on glue. Now I need to find a x-over to throw a silencer on it see if it quiets it...
Forum: Newbie Tank February 17th, 2013, 22:53
Replies: 5
Views: 5,493
Posted By swatt13
Pretty much only Srs tactical mate. Not many...

Pretty much only Srs tactical mate. Not many places carry tht specific stuff plus the best customer service you find.
Forum: Airsoft Media February 13th, 2013, 15:28
Replies: 8
Views: 9,635
Posted By swatt13
That's cuz you haven't had robs mom there.

That's cuz you haven't had robs mom there.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 9th, 2013, 23:25
Replies: 5
Views: 6,231
Posted By swatt13
Well then consider it, confirmed.

Well then consider it, confirmed.
Forum: General February 9th, 2013, 18:13
Replies: 55
Views: 30,982
Posted By swatt13
Wow. Vondnik for the win

Wow. Vondnik for the win
Forum: General February 9th, 2013, 15:26
Replies: 55
Views: 30,982
Posted By swatt13
I didn't realise I had to tell people about...

I didn't realise I had to tell people about Airsoft like I'm coming out of the closet. Airsoft is something I do, I don't hve to tell them about playing hockey or soccer why would it be any...
Forum: Reviews December 27th, 2012, 15:09
Replies: 205
Views: 261,763
Posted By swatt13
Sexy pics demanded.

Sexy pics demanded.
Forum: Gear Discussion August 28th, 2012, 18:13
Replies: 6
Views: 6,162
Posted By swatt13
Make sure your going to not .com

Make sure your going to not .com
Forum: Gear Discussion June 14th, 2012, 23:24
Replies: 582
Views: 1,673,103
Posted By swatt13
yea, i threads in no problem. it doesnt utilize...

yea, i threads in no problem. it doesnt utilize the notch, but the friction holds it in place just as well.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 12th, 2012, 23:27
Replies: 582
Views: 1,673,103
Posted By swatt13
im thinking on selling for a fast bump or carbon,...

im thinking on selling for a fast bump or carbon, so i figured id take a few and post em in case i do
Forum: Retailer Resolution Center May 22nd, 2012, 13:24
Replies: 5
Views: 8,104
Posted By swatt13
He is terribly busy with his personal work. And...

He is terribly busy with his personal work. And being one of the bigger custom retailers on asc has a large influx of pms that he has to wade through on his personal time. So he response dates can...
Forum: General May 22nd, 2012, 13:20
Replies: 29
Views: 26,075
Posted By swatt13
We had a guy that we called Ashley. He's a good...

We had a guy that we called Ashley. He's a good friend but if you asked me his real name I wouldn't be able to tell you without looking at my contacts list on my phone
Forum: Gear Discussion May 14th, 2012, 10:12
Replies: 73
Views: 46,661
Posted By swatt13
Multicam. I have good ol woodland for my green...

I have good ol woodland for my green side
Forum: Gear Discussion April 17th, 2012, 20:32
Replies: 23
Views: 26,487
Posted By swatt13
Try Srs. Steve was suppose to start carrying...

Try Srs. Steve was suppose to start carrying them, or pm rookie he can assist you with them
Showing results 1 to 50 of 500

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