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Search: Posts Made By: MaciekA
Forum: General January 9th, 2016, 21:57
Replies: 226
Views: 676,802
Posted By MaciekA
This was so loud it woke me up. Miss playin'...

This was so loud it woke me up.

Miss playin' with ya buddy!
Forum: Doctor's Corner June 11th, 2013, 08:00
Replies: 25
Views: 15,306
Posted By MaciekA
Hey Nozomori, I got your message through John......

Hey Nozomori, I got your message through John... I am having the definition of a busy summer and definitely don't have time for a project like this.

I can tell you that whoever does do this...
Forum: General May 27th, 2013, 23:15
Replies: 77
Views: 45,025
Posted By MaciekA
It's like someone wrote coherent sentences and...

It's like someone wrote coherent sentences and paragraphs and then a tornado came along and generated 27 unrelated parallel discussions about different things.

This is going to be the thread where...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 15th, 2013, 18:01
Replies: 10
Views: 10,805
Posted By MaciekA
You can take these ridiculous plastic beaters...

You can take these ridiculous plastic beaters very very far. Nobody will suspect anything until you're out in the field.

Mine has a version 3 Lonex gearbox / motor / motorcage, Extreme Fire SW-SF...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 13th, 2013, 19:44
Replies: 28
Views: 25,911
Posted By MaciekA
Systema makes black holes custom-crafted to...

Systema makes black holes custom-crafted to swallow up whole conversations about electric guns. The gravitational pull is impossible to escape. It's really quite amazing.
Forum: Doctor's Corner May 2nd, 2013, 12:42
Replies: 6
Views: 6,397
Posted By MaciekA
I can't confirm 100%, but I strongly suspect that...

I can't confirm 100%, but I strongly suspect that this has to do with the ambidextrous mode selector functionality more than anything else.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 30th, 2013, 20:44
Replies: 28
Views: 20,728
Posted By MaciekA
At an extremely conservative and totally useless...

At an extremely conservative and totally useless exit velocity of 100ft/sec, your BB is travelling fast enough to clear 310mm in 10.17ms.

Unless your setup was firing over 100 rounds per second,...
Forum: General April 30th, 2013, 19:14
Replies: 14
Views: 16,563
Posted By MaciekA
To get better range and fps you will likely want...

To get better range and fps you will likely want to:

- swap the bucking for flat-style bucking, W-hold, R-Hop, (or similar),
- increase spring power,
- use slightly heavier BBs.

The stock TM...
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 28th, 2013, 06:41
Replies: 9
Views: 6,802
Posted By MaciekA
Yank them apart. Connectors in this area are...

Yank them apart. Connectors in this area are intended to allow you to separate your outer barrel and hop assembly.

For what it's worth, you should get rid of these connectors and the fuse, and...
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 26th, 2013, 07:26
Replies: 80
Views: 78,674
Posted By MaciekA
Hectic, you've got smoking-gun evidence of PE, so...

Hectic, you've got smoking-gun evidence of PE, so don't let yourself get distracted by the discussion around weak pistons and AoE. You need a strong piston, you need to correct AoE, but the reason...
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 25th, 2013, 07:10
Replies: 16
Views: 14,480
Posted By MaciekA
Part of your cycling system is the...

Part of your cycling system is the tappet/nozzle/bucking action area, so it's possible that it's cycling normally but not cycling "well", if you get my drift.

A few things to try:

- Secure your...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 24th, 2013, 19:26
Replies: 26
Views: 18,009
Posted By MaciekA
I don't know about you but all my gearboxes have...

I don't know about you but all my gearboxes have a hemi
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 24th, 2013, 19:16
Replies: 26
Views: 18,009
Posted By MaciekA
The rating of a spring is just a rating of a...

The rating of a spring is just a rating of a spring... A lot of things can happen in your cylinder (ports? lack of seal?), along your piston rails (slowing down the piston with friction?), behind...
Forum: General April 23rd, 2013, 17:35
Replies: 59
Views: 33,431
Posted By MaciekA
+1 This Sunday we saw a younger player at...


This Sunday we saw a younger player at Waterdown battlefield with Nike sneakers and track pants (muddy day!). He looked like he was having a great time. Guaranteed he'll get kitted out...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 23rd, 2013, 17:27
Replies: 26
Views: 18,009
Posted By MaciekA
Your normal ratio gears are likely 18:1. The King...

Your normal ratio gears are likely 18:1. The King Arms website says 72:1, but that makes no sense, and the picture shows 18:1, which would align with the general meaning of "normal" in this context....
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 22nd, 2013, 19:02
Replies: 48
Views: 37,842
Posted By MaciekA
The strong-mag-spring-weak-tappet-spring bug can...

The strong-mag-spring-weak-tappet-spring bug can happen in setups that have completely secured hopup units with good "nozzle-bucking kiss", so this is a new distinct issue that you can add to your...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 22nd, 2013, 15:56
Replies: 11
Views: 13,117
Posted By MaciekA
In case anyone wants to do some research on this...

In case anyone wants to do some research on this topic , here you go:
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 22nd, 2013, 15:33
Replies: 48
Views: 37,842
Posted By MaciekA
And it's probably no accident that: 1) the...

And it's probably no accident that:

1) the mag that comes with that gun has a fairly weak spring and
2) it is rated for around 300fps.
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 22nd, 2013, 15:29
Replies: 48
Views: 37,842
Posted By MaciekA
Both are the cause actually. But really it's all...

Both are the cause actually. But really it's all our fault.

The key insight here is that if a given problem doesn't happen on a stock Tokyo Marui gun, it "doesn't count" as a design flaw. As soon...
Forum: Reviews April 22nd, 2013, 15:14
Replies: 23
Views: 22,515
Posted By MaciekA
Airsoft is pretty big, globally-speaking, and...

Airsoft is pretty big, globally-speaking, and there are a lot of BB brands out there..

It's clear that Bastards are high performance and well-regarded as "reference" BBs. Canada however has a very...
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 22nd, 2013, 14:25
Replies: 48
Views: 37,842
Posted By MaciekA
I'll just add that it's my belief that many many...

I'll just add that it's my belief that many many compression, feeding, BB-brand, bucking, barrel, hopup unit and mag issues are really just this problem, but mis-diagnosed as other issues.
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 22nd, 2013, 14:07
Replies: 48
Views: 37,842
Posted By MaciekA
This is a very common problem. As midcap...

This is a very common problem. As midcap capacities continue to go upwards, spring strengths have to increase somewhat too. The PTS PMAGs and TMAGs are well-known offenders. Interestingly enough, my...
Forum: Newbie Tank April 22nd, 2013, 13:51
Replies: 43
Views: 27,618
Posted By MaciekA
Unfortunately, running something like that at,...

Unfortunately, running something like that at, say, Finch's during the summer is a recipe for fog. Mostly solid (even with venting) plates of plastic or whatever just end up routing moisture directly...
Forum: Airsoft Media April 20th, 2013, 10:52
Replies: 1,015
Views: 1,652,325
Posted By MaciekA
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 19th, 2013, 15:52
Replies: 17
Views: 10,386
Posted By MaciekA
There's definitely gear whine in your setup, but...

There's definitely gear whine in your setup, but you don't get to hear much of it at 11.1V. It's possible that at some point you overtaxed your motor somehow, and now it's irreversibly pooched as...
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 18th, 2013, 08:31
Replies: 17
Views: 10,386
Posted By MaciekA
I'm surprised you were able to achieve this with...

I'm surprised you were able to achieve this with a 20C battery. I would have liked to hear a video of what your shimming and bevel-to-pinion mesh sounds like. Something doesn't gel here.
Forum: Reviews April 14th, 2013, 19:29
Replies: 23
Views: 22,515
Posted By MaciekA
BioShot bio-BBs

The late-winter dry spell has had more than a few of us players in the GTA dying of anticipation to finally be able to...
Forum: Reviews April 10th, 2013, 07:52
Replies: 29
Views: 29,813
Posted By MaciekA
I've been very pleased with the legit HSGI TACOs,...

I've been very pleased with the legit HSGI TACOs, and they are holding up to abuse well. So many airsoft guys spend their money on legit realsteel equipment to get an edge in durability, and TACOs...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 9th, 2013, 23:02
Replies: 17
Views: 13,940
Posted By MaciekA
Won't happen with any stock AEG. They all suck at...

Won't happen with any stock AEG. They all suck at power delivery/shimming/etc.

You may want to go for that GBBR if you're looking for the absolutes in realism and acoustics.
Forum: Airsoft Media April 3rd, 2013, 07:52
Replies: 33
Views: 23,729
Posted By MaciekA
Haha, I almost had a heart attack when I read...

Haha, I almost had a heart attack when I read this. Son of a ...

Also: Yellow.
Forum: Airsoft Media April 2nd, 2013, 22:45
Replies: 33
Views: 23,729
Posted By MaciekA
Quit playing with photoshop and open the field...

Quit playing with photoshop and open the field you bastards !!! gahhhh!!!!

Forum: General April 2nd, 2013, 22:42
Replies: 21
Views: 16,431
Posted By MaciekA
If there was a special type of...

If there was a special type of we-love-the-same-TV-show internet fist-bump, now would be the time I'd use it. Awesome show
Forum: Newbie Tank April 1st, 2013, 21:18
Replies: 15
Views: 12,780
Posted By MaciekA
If you're looking at a WE Hi-Capa, don't get the...

If you're looking at a WE Hi-Capa, don't get the 3.8. Get a 4.3.
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 31st, 2013, 08:51
Replies: 2
Views: 4,359
Posted By MaciekA
I have several of these installed in all sorts of...

I have several of these installed in all sorts of gearboxes and have only run into fitment issues with perhaps one gearbox (I can't remember which brand now). These ARLs are definitely worth the buy...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 31st, 2013, 08:36
Replies: 22
Views: 11,426
Posted By MaciekA
Lonex shell all the way. No comparison.

Lonex shell all the way. No comparison.
Forum: Reviews March 29th, 2013, 20:34
Replies: 137
Views: 255,260
Posted By MaciekA
Agreed, you can't run a business like this on...

Agreed, you can't run a business like this on autopilot. Or heck, who knows, maybe you can and it's all about Christmas madness and none of us matter. If the 14 year olds now run the show, then that...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 29th, 2013, 12:29
Replies: 3
Views: 5,567
Posted By MaciekA
This is a decent deal and a decent gun. Don't...

This is a decent deal and a decent gun. Don't expect any fancy support from buyairsoft afterwards, but know that the gun is the same no matter where you buy it from.
Forum: Reviews March 29th, 2013, 08:59
Replies: 137
Views: 255,260
Posted By MaciekA
I've defended this store a lot in the past but...

I've defended this store a lot in the past but that's becoming much harder, especially now that there are better airsoft retail experiences in the GTA. That, and I've had a string of bad experiences...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 25th, 2013, 21:08
Replies: 76
Views: 100,122
Posted By MaciekA
The scientist in me says you need to do this lab...

The scientist in me says you need to do this lab style.

The pragmatist says we'll learn something even if it's a windy day.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 25th, 2013, 20:35
Replies: 76
Views: 100,122
Posted By MaciekA
Reducing the number of variables in this...

Reducing the number of variables in this experiment is key. Down to using the same buckings. Tricky stuff. I agree with Stealth ... an indoor range is going to be really important for gathering data.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 20th, 2013, 18:28
Replies: 7
Views: 10,020
Posted By MaciekA
Also TM pistols for some crazy reason. ;)

Also TM pistols for some crazy reason. ;)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 19th, 2013, 22:59
Replies: 34
Views: 31,452
Posted By MaciekA
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 19th, 2013, 19:08
Replies: 34
Views: 31,452
Posted By MaciekA
I hate projects that end up in this dead-zone...

I hate projects that end up in this dead-zone area. This is why I now try to stick to more popular platforms. The PDRs and ACRs and such of the world are tempting, but I've been burned...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 19th, 2013, 18:18
Replies: 34
Views: 31,452
Posted By MaciekA
First of all.. Hats off to you for an awesome...

First of all.. Hats off to you for an awesome hack.

Secondly, what popped?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 16th, 2013, 21:29
Replies: 1
Views: 4,886
Posted By MaciekA
That was quick. I think you may have got a bunk...

That was quick. I think you may have got a bunk batch.

There was a bad batch of SHS gears in the middle of last year, and in particular involving bevel failure, but the batches seem to have...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 15th, 2013, 18:28
Replies: 18
Views: 14,437
Posted By MaciekA
As with anything in airsoft there are enough...

As with anything in airsoft there are enough variations and permutations to get exactly the result you want if your parts bin is big enough... And also enough to completely make terms like "type 1",...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 15th, 2013, 07:51
Replies: 18
Views: 14,437
Posted By MaciekA
Drake is right, this is all about surplus or...

Drake is right, this is all about surplus or deficit of volume ratios between your cylinder and your barrel.

You can design an AEG that has an absolute maximum limit of exit energy (determined by...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 14th, 2013, 19:56
Replies: 18
Views: 14,437
Posted By MaciekA
You can also interpret an over-volumed cylinder...

You can also interpret an over-volumed cylinder as a signal that you're wasting spring energy on slamming a piston into a cylinder head (edit: this previously read piston head). This may be...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 14th, 2013, 18:37
Replies: 4
Views: 8,775
Posted By MaciekA
I'm guessing you watched ASTKilo23's video, or...

I'm guessing you watched ASTKilo23's video, or someone who was inspired by him. If so, you should go to YouTube right now and click unsubscribe. That guy has some bizarre ideas about gearboxes and...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 14th, 2013, 18:19
Replies: 21
Views: 15,935
Posted By MaciekA
Also G&G, G&P and a couple ACM gearboxes

Also G&G, G&P and a couple ACM gearboxes
Showing results 1 to 50 of 500

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