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Search: Posts Made By: CrAzy AziAn
Forum: Airsoft Media June 11th, 2014, 01:15
Replies: 5
Views: 13,032
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Thanks Delta for pulling the smoke early.... I...

Thanks Delta for pulling the smoke early.... I guess uploading everything to Photobucket at once was a bad idea...

Laurel - I did my fix with o-rings, updated on the post! :D Hope it helped
Forum: Airsoft Media June 5th, 2014, 02:33
Replies: 5
Views: 13,032
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
WE MK18-ish Build

So, I've owned a couple guns getting into this hobby/sport - first was a WE416 which I had to sell for school, but after I owned a Classic Army HK33 AEG which I also sold because I just didn't like...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 22nd, 2013, 09:04
Replies: 6
Views: 7,142
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Canadian tire used to have a black one. It was a...

Canadian tire used to have a black one. It was a bit of a tight fit, but for whatever reason it fit :D
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 5th, 2013, 01:07
Replies: 33
Views: 18,240
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Thats a question I've had for awhile... where do...

Thats a question I've had for awhile... where do you guys get your RS internals. I see most people around here swap with DPMS parts...

If anyone would kindly PM me - as this isn't an AV thread....
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 4th, 2013, 11:44
Replies: 33
Views: 18,240
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
There are Pmag shells for WE but the 416 receiver...

There are Pmag shells for WE but the 416 receiver is different then the M4 mag well. They don't lock.

Personal Experience. :D
Forum: Accessories Discussion May 20th, 2013, 13:34
Replies: 265
Views: 173,639
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Just tested and I got a prompt saying "coupon...

Just tested and I got a prompt saying "coupon code not found"
Forum: Gear Discussion March 27th, 2013, 08:55
Replies: 7
Views: 6,559
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I love that Atlas patch!!!!!!

I love that Atlas patch!!!!!!
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 17th, 2013, 10:11
Replies: 5
Views: 4,777
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
No tabs are broken, I have two sets of open...

No tabs are broken, I have two sets of open bolts. One had a broken nozzle, and I swapped that out.
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 17th, 2013, 00:57
Replies: 5
Views: 4,777
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I gotta go back anyways to exchange my...

I gotta go back anyways to exchange my non-working flashlight....

The one you fixed last time was my buddy's 416... but yes, I'll bring you mine. :D
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 16th, 2013, 21:59
Replies: 5
Views: 4,777
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Red face WE M4 cycling issue (GBBR)

Ok so I was trying to find a solution on this without resorting to starting a new thread. Talked to a few people and tried Googl'ing the issue.

What's happening is that the air nozzle is getting...
Forum: Accessories Discussion December 30th, 2012, 22:49
Replies: 10
Views: 13,047
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Did you like it? I love the look of it, and...

Did you like it? I love the look of it, and seeing as the M1A Socom II cluster rail is a little harder to find for a GBBR....
Forum: Accessories Discussion December 30th, 2012, 14:26
Replies: 10
Views: 13,047
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Digging up this old thread..... has anybody...

Digging up this old thread..... has anybody looked at this stock? Cheap clone widely used with the Norinco M305
Forum: Gear Discussion December 22nd, 2012, 01:23
Replies: 1,150
Sticky: Helmet Gallery
Views: 2,973,541
Posted By CrAzy AziAn

Started on a helmet :D
Forum: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures September 21st, 2012, 23:56
Replies: 11
Views: 30,610
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Its a hobby on its own. You get alot of those...

Its a hobby on its own. You get alot of those modellers who throw RC electronics into a model tank with an Infrared Laser "battle system." And they build towns and such modelled after WWII locations....
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 11th, 2012, 22:09
Replies: 9
Views: 11,531
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Yes yes of course. I have an NPAS on my 416 so...

Yes yes of course. I have an NPAS on my 416 so GBBRs aren't too new to me... But parts like tappets, and such I'm not too familiar with
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 11th, 2012, 21:55
Replies: 9
Views: 11,531
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Now that I could live with!! And you're...

Now that I could live with!!

And you're telling me all those lists of WE M14 parts the RA-Tech has isn't really a necessity to have it run well?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 11th, 2012, 21:43
Replies: 9
Views: 11,531
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Ok what about this lovely piece of steel?...

Ok what about this lovely piece of steel?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 11th, 2012, 19:54
Replies: 9
Views: 11,531
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I did see a custom done one on some Chinese...

I did see a custom done one on some Chinese website. But the guy who did it had experience with CNC and did it. Otherwise I was wondering if the Vltor CASV for M1A would fit on the WE?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 10th, 2012, 23:01
Replies: 9
Views: 11,531
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Springfield M1A Socom II

Has anyone done it to a WE M14?

Also for the m14 newbie, what internals are needed to have a good running GBBR?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 19th, 2012, 12:06
Replies: 13
Views: 12,274
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I use propane in both my guns.... including the...

I use propane in both my guns.... including the M93R. If I remember correctly the KWA manual says you have to use their "high-grade" brand bbs as well. Wouldn't be surprised if that voided the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 31st, 2012, 16:17
Replies: 17
Views: 22,421
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Depending on the brand, it might come with the...

Depending on the brand, it might come with the AEG and GBBR buffer tube. The one I have on my WE 416 is A.C.M... not 100% if that's the one Huang sells.
Forum: Airsoft Media April 13th, 2012, 09:07
Replies: 22
Views: 14,136
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
It would be my shelf queen and "get off my...

It would be my shelf queen and "get off my property" gun =P.... not literally, rather not have Police storm my house.
Forum: Reviews April 8th, 2012, 16:22
Replies: 14
Views: 22,036
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Awesome! Thanks Drake.

Awesome! Thanks Drake.
Forum: Reviews April 6th, 2012, 00:01
Replies: 14
Views: 22,036
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Sorry :S No wobble. Its polymer plastic,...

Sorry :S

No wobble. Its polymer plastic, same material that the WE G36 is made of. Changing positions, the lock is solid. Isn't going to change on me. All the quick detach points for sling mounts...
Forum: Reviews April 5th, 2012, 21:20
Replies: 14
Views: 22,036
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
ACM Magpul UBR Stock (Replica)

So, this is my first review on anything. I hope its somewhat decent. Anyways...

The Backstory
I wanted a UBR stock for my WE 416. (Thank for that) As I wanted something more then...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 5th, 2012, 19:42
Replies: 11
Views: 9,540
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Figured it out. The buffer tube is waaaayyy too...

Figured it out. The buffer tube is waaaayyy too long, the bolt is going back too far. Now the question is, what do I used to compensate the extra space?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 5th, 2012, 19:06
Replies: 11
Views: 9,540
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Well I went with the ACM one. The buffer tube...

Well I went with the ACM one. The buffer tube fits exactly but the bolt carrier is getting stuck on the cock-back. Whats this about cutting a nylon rubber? I tried the bolt carrier, recoil tube and...
Forum: Newbie Tank April 4th, 2012, 10:44
Replies: 18
Views: 18,028
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I definitely did not come by here before I bought...

I definitely did not come by here before I bought my WE 416. Learned a lot from buying this. All the maintenance required, but in the end I love the feeling of every shot fired through this thing....
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 2nd, 2012, 01:22
Replies: 11
Views: 9,557
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Any comments or opinions on these? ...

Any comments or opinions on these?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 1st, 2012, 22:09
Replies: 11
Views: 9,557
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Alright so consensus is stock G&G? Also with a...

Alright so consensus is stock G&G? Also with a loadout I was wondering about that, what do most people use for mag pouches? I dont think you need much coming from a GBB player where mags were 30...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 1st, 2012, 18:30
Replies: 11
Views: 9,557
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Looking into a UMP

There doesn't seem to be a thread on UMPs themselves. Looks like people have them but not much to say about them? Basically I'm looking into finding a good company for one, and modifications/upgrades...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 29th, 2012, 16:42
Replies: 45
Views: 38,739
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
The Battlefield 3 fan in me says...

The Battlefield 3 fan in me says WAAANNNNTTTT!!!!! :D
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi March 28th, 2012, 00:24
Replies: 31
Views: 42,143
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Gotta love those ragdoll graphics when you hit a...

Gotta love those ragdoll graphics when you hit a player with the tank rounds. It definitely was more on the artistic high-end graphics feel.

Battlefield 3: The Beauty of the Frostbite Engine ...
Forum: Gear Discussion March 27th, 2012, 22:01
Replies: 27
Views: 73,908
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Pulling this one up again..... any opinions on...

Pulling this one up again..... any opinions on the one AirsoftPark sells?
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi March 27th, 2012, 13:39
Replies: 31
Views: 42,143
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Well these are general kits. I think if you take...

Well these are general kits. I think if you take a look at some kits that the NPC's had during the campaign they were a little bit more accurate.
Forum: Gear Discussion March 26th, 2012, 15:55
Replies: 144
Views: 102,688
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I'd find an Otterbox case for that Touch, dont...

I'd find an Otterbox case for that Touch, dont think a map holder has much screen protection lol
Forum: Gear Discussion March 26th, 2012, 15:51
Replies: 1,150
Sticky: Helmet Gallery
Views: 2,973,541
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Thanks for the warning. Guess I'll sit tight...

Thanks for the warning. Guess I'll sit tight until Haung has some in stock.
Forum: Gear Discussion March 26th, 2012, 09:45
Replies: 1,150
Sticky: Helmet Gallery
Views: 2,973,541
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Out of stock :(

Out of stock :(
Forum: Gear Discussion March 26th, 2012, 00:57
Replies: 1,150
Sticky: Helmet Gallery
Views: 2,973,541
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Opinions on AirsoftPark's Emerson Base Jump? I...

Opinions on AirsoftPark's Emerson Base Jump? I only plan to put a Contour on it. No $600 worth of fancy IR stuff
Forum: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures March 20th, 2012, 02:46
Replies: 142
Views: 390,724
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I wonder, what would be the Ontario driving laws...

I wonder, what would be the Ontario driving laws to one of these? I wouldn't mind that as my first car if its qualified as a limited speed vehicle. Repaint it, mount a M60 or something and you got a...
Forum: Gear Discussion March 18th, 2012, 22:38
Replies: 144
Views: 102,688
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Got the Picitanny mount while it's still on sale....

Got the Picitanny mount while it's still on sale. Now to sit in the bush and wait til the camera goes back on sale.... *disappears in a ghillie suit*
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 18th, 2012, 17:39
Replies: 11
Views: 9,540
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I did some research and a few people say that the...

I did some research and a few people say that the best "drop in" clone would be the A.C.M version. Can anyone verify if my research is right? I would go RS but for that much I might as well get a...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 17th, 2012, 16:19
Replies: 11
Views: 9,540
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Just bringing this up. Is there an update on...

Just bringing this up. Is there an update on where I can get a UBR that does fit on the 416.. (rather then the chinese clones)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 17th, 2012, 16:05
Replies: 16
Views: 13,535
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Thanks guys!

Thanks guys!
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 15th, 2012, 23:30
Replies: 16
Views: 13,535
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Ditto to Sequential. If anyone knows of a better...

Ditto to Sequential. If anyone knows of a better lower receiver I'm looking for one that wont crack so easily.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 15th, 2012, 11:15
Replies: 12
Views: 15,986
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
It's thread is the same as the flashhider, so...

It's thread is the same as the flashhider, so CCW. Mine was a b**ch to get off and ended up using those rubber mats you use to open a jar with :P
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 15th, 2012, 11:13
Replies: 11
Views: 13,270
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Just as a possibility really :p

Just as a possibility really :p
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 14th, 2012, 18:45
Replies: 11
Views: 13,270
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
Bringing this thread up again.... Can a TM 150...

Bringing this thread up again.... Can a TM 150 spring for an M9 fit a KWA M93r? Or better yet is there a spring upgrade?
Forum: Accessories Discussion March 4th, 2012, 20:26
Replies: 30
Views: 27,111
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I was thinking that too but there is only one M14...

I was thinking that too but there is only one M14 you can LEGALLY shoot at people. :D
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi February 13th, 2012, 23:31
Replies: 158
Views: 517,906
Posted By CrAzy AziAn
I have to go with the MG36. Who else would make...

I have to go with the MG36. Who else would make people shoot others with a giant pen15 other then HK?
Showing results 1 to 50 of 59

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