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Search: Posts Made By: jwm470
Forum: Gear Discussion August 12th, 2020, 00:07
Replies: 2
Views: 33,444
Posted By jwm470
Canadian custom clothing

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of any good seamstresses or companies for sewing custom clothing in Canada? (Other option is Roman, but shipping is costly and a hassle) Looking for someone who can...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 23rd, 2020, 09:40
Replies: 12
Views: 32,450
Posted By jwm470
Ahhhhh, alright. I was wondering about that since...

Ahhhhh, alright. I was wondering about that since I've heard a lot of bouncing between them being US or HK.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 19th, 2020, 17:18
Replies: 12
Views: 32,450
Posted By jwm470
Thanks for the catch! I'll toss those in too....

Thanks for the catch! I'll toss those in too. Also going to add in TPC and Claw gear
Forum: Gear Discussion June 18th, 2020, 17:07
Replies: 0
Views: 13,938
Posted By jwm470
Can anyone reprogram some HT1000's

Hi, I have some old Motorola HT1000 UHF's that need to be reprogrammed since they're seemingly all on different channel frequencies. Could anyone potentially help me out?
Forum: Gear Discussion June 17th, 2020, 14:41
Replies: 12
Views: 32,450
Posted By jwm470
Good to hear! I wish I had enough money and time...

Good to hear! I wish I had enough money and time to be able to buy them all and test them for IR and flame retardant capabilities. Any ideas as to how it compares towards FFI and other more...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 17th, 2020, 14:27
Replies: 12
Views: 32,450
Posted By jwm470
I've never tried their G3 clones, but have heard...

I've never tried their G3 clones, but have heard some good things about them for their price point. While I do wish that I could experience everything on the list, I'll keep trying to provide...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 17th, 2020, 14:16
Replies: 12
Views: 32,450
Posted By jwm470
Thanks! I'm thinking of changeing up the list a...

Thanks! I'm thinking of changeing up the list a little bit to enclose all clothing manufacturers. (this way I can put out OTTE gear and other brands, I'll just provide a small explanation for each of...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 17th, 2020, 14:00
Replies: 12
Views: 32,450
Posted By jwm470
List of med/high quality clothing manufactures

Please feel free to add on, but I'm trying to make a list of good quality clothing manufacturers. (Edit *any clothing brand is now A OK as long as it practical and usable for airsoft/real steel)
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 8th, 2020, 12:39
Replies: 12
Views: 25,510
Posted By jwm470
I also think that this is the problem, but I just...

I also think that this is the problem, but I just cant seem to get the little pins out at the rear of the bolt assembly to get access to the springs they are too tight for me to get out.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 6th, 2020, 13:21
Replies: 5
Views: 22,961
Posted By jwm470
Alright, I just sent a PM over

Alright, I just sent a PM over
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 6th, 2020, 13:18
Replies: 12
Views: 25,510
Posted By jwm470
I think that I've tried this is the spring is the...

I think that I've tried this is the spring is the one that I'm thinking of, i found that it did in fact help a bit and close the gap but the gun would still have one and wouldn't fully cycle again.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 5th, 2020, 21:58
Replies: 5
Views: 22,961
Posted By jwm470
Collecting, and using. I'm working on getting my...

Collecting, and using. I'm working on getting my PAL soon, and am looking for a good helmet to use. I already have a gentex ACH for airsoft and whatever, but I picked up some comtac 3's for when I...
Forum: Gear Discussion December 29th, 2019, 23:52
Replies: 5
Views: 22,961
Posted By jwm470
Helmet suggestions?

Hi, just wondering if anyone knows of anywhere where I can find a affordable high-cut ballistic helmet? I know DS tactical sells the Team Wendy EXFIL helmets, but was hoping to find something still...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 23rd, 2019, 14:07
Replies: 12
Views: 25,510
Posted By jwm470
I just got it back from Blitz, they said that...

I just got it back from Blitz, they said that they couldn't figure it out. I'm thinking of ordering a new bolt assembly like the low powered one and see if that might help.
Forum: Gear Discussion November 13th, 2019, 10:13
Replies: 4
Views: 15,266
Posted By jwm470
i run a grey fox strategic phoenix holster and it...

i run a grey fox strategic phoenix holster and it works fine with my tm g17 with x300u on it. Plus it has lots of options for how you want your holster set up
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 15th, 2019, 14:55
Replies: 12
Views: 25,510
Posted By jwm470
I tried that and nothing came out. I also tried...

I tried that and nothing came out. I also tried making the disconnector spring looser which did help close the gap a bit but it still has problems. Maybe the actual recoil spring isn't strong enough?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 14th, 2019, 21:09
Replies: 12
Views: 25,510
Posted By jwm470
damn, that's crappy. Any way to remedy it?...

damn, that's crappy. Any way to remedy it? whenever i looked to see and pulled back the bolt there was no BB in the chamber though.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 14th, 2019, 17:24
Replies: 12
Views: 25,510
Posted By jwm470
Anyone have any problems with the KWA MP9?

So I've had my mp9 for a while now, but for some reason it's started to act up and jam on me. It almost looks like the bolt doesn't fully cycle back and will leave a gap. Although the cylinder looks...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 15th, 2019, 11:41
Replies: 13
Views: 24,159
Posted By jwm470
yeah, just fixed it and deleted a bunch of old...

yeah, just fixed it and deleted a bunch of old messages
Forum: Gear Discussion June 4th, 2019, 08:44
Replies: 13
Views: 24,159
Posted By jwm470
how well do they tend to work? the only thing I'd...

how well do they tend to work? the only thing I'd be concerned with is condensation making my shirt wet and soggy. Also how would you run both a front and back plate with them both having drinking...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 3rd, 2019, 19:40
Replies: 13
Views: 24,159
Posted By jwm470
yeah, for playing I was mostly thinking of...

yeah, for playing I was mostly thinking of keeping my foam sapi plates and using them or getting some weighted ones
Forum: Gear Discussion June 3rd, 2019, 19:13
Replies: 13
Views: 24,159
Posted By jwm470
currently I'm just doing airsoft, but looking to...

currently I'm just doing airsoft, but looking to get into real steel soon. I'm running 2 double decker taco's on the front with a single taco and a ITW fastmag stacked to complete the front panel. I...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 3rd, 2019, 18:27
Replies: 13
Views: 24,159
Posted By jwm470
Could you maybe link the sale? I can't seem to...

Could you maybe link the sale? I can't seem to find it.

I think I'll give the tactical burrito a look, anything else your recommend for PC setup?
Forum: Gear Discussion June 3rd, 2019, 17:25
Replies: 13
Views: 24,159
Posted By jwm470
For me "cheap" is kind of relative, I'm hoping...

For me "cheap" is kind of relative, I'm hoping for plates around (hopefully under) $300 a plate but I'm kind of flexible with prices. I just want something that is reliable and will work if it needs...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 3rd, 2019, 13:34
Replies: 13
Views: 24,159
Posted By jwm470
Experience with plates?

I'm thinking of adding some better plates to my LBT 6094b. Currently I've been looking at getting some AA shield soft side plates and then a CPE level 3+ multi curve ceramics for the front and back. ...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 2nd, 2019, 21:15
Replies: 11
Views: 21,995
Posted By jwm470
sounds good. The more I think about it and all...

sounds good. The more I think about it and all the pointers you guys gave the more deadset I'm becoming on getting a license
Forum: Gear Discussion June 1st, 2019, 22:27
Replies: 11
Views: 21,995
Posted By jwm470
Thanks a bunch for all of the help guys! I think...

Thanks a bunch for all of the help guys! I think I'm going to take your advice and just go for my amateurs license since it'll be easier that way
Forum: Gear Discussion May 30th, 2019, 13:51
Replies: 11
Views: 21,995
Posted By jwm470
how hard is it to get a license? I can't seem to...

how hard is it to get a license? I can't seem to find a lot of information online for how to get a license. I do believe i have to take a exam, but I'm not sure what materials i would have to study...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 29th, 2019, 18:33
Replies: 11
Views: 21,995
Posted By jwm470
Trying to find the right radio

Hey guys!
I'm currently looking for a good radio choice to finish up with my comms setup. Just wondering what you guys would recommend? I don't have my amateur radio license so I would prefer ones...
Forum: General February 22nd, 2019, 08:40
Replies: 28
Views: 35,152
Posted By jwm470
I enjoyed playing paintball, but loved everything...

I enjoyed playing paintball, but loved everything military. So airsoft was just a natural step for me, it also helped how it was way cheaper (except if you think about how much I've spent on gear)
Showing results 1 to 30 of 30

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