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Search: Posts Made By: 666
Forum: General March 1st, 2021, 10:49
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Thumbs up brother 😀

Thumbs up brother 😀
Forum: General March 1st, 2021, 10:46
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Dont know this guy personally but I do know bunch...

Dont know this guy personally but I do know bunch of people who are involved. Again, I support both and Involved in both....
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 20:07
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Too funny :) P.S. Totally stolen!

Too funny :) P.S. Totally stolen!
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 18:12
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
What is the verdict? Can I please see that person...

What is the verdict? Can I please see that person speak? In all honestly I want to hear opinions from different people who are not just dudes "who care". If they were 100% behind what they are...
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 16:39
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Could be my bad because I dont detect emotions...

Could be my bad because I dont detect emotions ans repressions right away.
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 16:22
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
I gave you all the info. It's up to you to make...

I gave you all the info. It's up to you to make your mind.
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 15:59
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 15:57
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Dude, that's lilke grade 2 level insult. Google...

Dude, that's lilke grade 2 level insult. Google is everybody's friend. That person has a reputation Canadawide. I woulnt even bother otherwise.
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 15:53
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
RCMP is not a law marking entity. They can make...

RCMP is not a law marking entity. They can make all soft of statements but it will be invalid unless backed up by government. Entity that actually makes laws.
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 15:39
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
I am not aware whether or not Ian Runlke actually...

I am not aware whether or not Ian Runlke actually defended a person in the court but he did have full discourse of the case with names and everything. That kind of thing made me think he was legit.
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 15:29
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Sure did. He also had a Mossberg shotgun and a...

Sure did. He also had a Mossberg shotgun and a pellet gun.In one of his videos he also talked about a person walking off of 2nd degree murder charge after admitting to putting 3 rounds into another...
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 15:16
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Municipality does not work for federal...

Municipality does not work for federal government. Bosses are provincial MP's. Keep that in mind. If ban happens it will have to be country wide federal ban. Some mayors already spoke about it and...
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 15:10
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
In my understanding, after watching several...

In my understanding, after watching several videos posted by Ian Runlke, he has zero interest in airsoft. He he is just one of those trap shooters who happens t o care about hobbies he is not even...
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 14:53
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Dude, just watch the video. One that is made by a...

Dude, just watch the video. One that is made by a person who deals with government and firearm related offenses on daily basis. He looked into paperwork and recorded a video in regards to what he...
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 11:44
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Sash, I know about retarded facebook rules, last...

Sash, I know about retarded facebook rules, last year got banned for posting a meme that was made to make fun of Hitler. This particular post I saw was in a semi private anti C-71 group. Unless your...
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 10:12
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Drache, and your post proves that Ian was right....

Drache, and your post proves that Ian was right. You saw something official posted on RCMP website and you automatically assumed it was legit. That’s exactly what happened after May 1st ban. People...
Forum: General February 28th, 2021, 09:57
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
RCMP made false public statements in the past, so...

RCMP made false public statements in the past, so did Bill Blair. Man made a false statement yesterday ffs. In an open air. Those statements are not laws, cant use it in court. Ian Runkle actually...
Forum: General February 27th, 2021, 08:43
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Dude, its Green. She was actually into other...

Dude, its Green. She was actually into other stuff but she did make her point.
Forum: General February 26th, 2021, 14:30
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
I just went back to anti C-71 FB group to screen...

I just went back to anti C-71 FB group to screen shot the post but it's gone now. Weird... Especially weird because head admin made that post.
Forum: General February 26th, 2021, 14:20
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Sure, NDP MP surprised me TBH. There wasn't an...

Sure, NDP MP surprised me TBH. There wasn't an official statement made but in general many NDP members want total confiscation when it comes to real steel, not restrictions. You never know how voting...
Forum: General February 26th, 2021, 14:17
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
This was posted today, right before debate...

This was posted today, right before debate started, posted by one of guys who for a while now is deeply involved in fighting draconian firearm bills. He posted it to give people heads up so they...
Forum: General February 26th, 2021, 12:20
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
For $200 maybe. Only people who actually gained...

For $200 maybe. Only people who actually gained something during last buy back were guys who had multiple POS, old, non functional, little prohib pea shooters nobody wanted to buy. All that garbage...
Forum: General February 26th, 2021, 11:27
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Debate can be watched here. Airsoft related part...

Debate can be watched here. Airsoft related part starts at around 10:18, right after Blair finished his speech...
Forum: General February 26th, 2021, 10:31
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Only way to derail the bill is to get in in front...

Only way to derail the bill is to get in in front of the Committee and amend living crap out of it so thing pretty much becomes an empty hull. There might be another outcome if NDP decided to...
Forum: General February 26th, 2021, 09:17
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
C-21 voting will happen today. You might see some...

C-21 voting will happen today. You might see some troubling results but don't be alarmed. This is being done on purpose. This vote will decide whether or not the bill gets to go forward into second...
Forum: General February 25th, 2021, 12:09
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
You can but they kind of forgot to mention that...

You can but they kind of forgot to mention that in order to do so you must have license to possess prohibited devices. License that does not exist and obviously cannot be obtained. Ian Runkle...
Forum: General February 24th, 2021, 15:35
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Oh, "handgun legislation" when it comes to...

Oh, "handgun legislation" when it comes to municipal ban is crumbling. Libs are loosing a battle on that front. 4 provinces already said they will oppose. I can see BC and maybe one or two maritime...
Forum: General February 24th, 2021, 00:32
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
More I think about it more I'm seeing how this is...

More I think about it more I'm seeing how this is aimed at airsoft. These things can actually be used by people who are giving "pro airsoft" interviews. How come when about 1500 firearms got moved to...
Forum: General February 23rd, 2021, 23:53
Replies: 6
Views: 8,030
Posted By 666
You don't need to order from local retailers if...

You don't need to order from local retailers if you feel that the price is not right. Ordering from overseas it totally legit right now. You are speaking of dark ages. If C-21 gets passed there will...
Forum: General February 23rd, 2021, 23:43
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
And than there is this... Report of police...

And than there is this... Report of police seizing airsoft Glock because two door knobs used it to threaten someone. ...
Forum: General February 22nd, 2021, 05:55
Replies: 12
Views: 9,090
Posted By 666
Found some of the answers....

Found some of the answers.
Forum: General February 22nd, 2021, 05:13
Replies: 12
Views: 9,090
Posted By 666
That’s a good one, never even thought about it....

That’s a good one, never even thought about it. Another thing to think about is mag capacity. Will standard mag capacity rules also apply to an airgun if converted into a firearm?
Forum: General February 21st, 2021, 11:25
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
After they banned couple of guns last year I...

After they banned couple of guns last year I called RCMP just for a fuck of it. Asked how do I register. They had no idea what I was talking about.
Forum: General February 21st, 2021, 11:12
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Anything that shoots over 500fps becomes a...

Anything that shoots over 500fps becomes a firearm. For which you would need a PAL. One that I have. If C 21 gets passed I wont be able to legally use airsoft. I do not have a prohibited license nor...
Forum: General February 21st, 2021, 08:57
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Ive been doing both, airsoft and real steel for...

Ive been doing both, airsoft and real steel for like 15 years now. First they went after real guns, made me having bunch of paperweights, now they are going after another hobby I enjoy - airsoft,...
Forum: General February 20th, 2021, 16:45
Replies: 12
Views: 9,090
Posted By 666
See, airsoft doesnt fall under firearm...

See, airsoft doesnt fall under firearm categories. There is no non restricted, restrictedr etc.
Forum: General February 20th, 2021, 14:38
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Not that fast but it might happened. Like some...

Not that fast but it might happened. Like some people I know said, internal combustion engines will be made illegal, we will probably see cars that are computer operated made mandatory, besides ones...
Forum: General February 20th, 2021, 14:17
Replies: 12
Views: 9,090
Posted By 666
Oh, I'm not 100% sure, well, 0% sure on how...

Oh, I'm not 100% sure, well, 0% sure on how government will respond if lets say a bb pistol will be modified to meet firearm criteria. I have no idea how they will even classify it, restricted, non...
Forum: General February 20th, 2021, 14:11
Replies: 12
Views: 9,090
Posted By 666
Air guns/airsoft that is not a firearm will fall...

Air guns/airsoft that is not a firearm will fall under prohib category which will require you to have license in order to avoid confistaction. License you cannot get because it does not exist....
Forum: General February 20th, 2021, 08:35
Replies: 12
Views: 9,090
Posted By 666
Difference is back in the day we were not at risk...

Difference is back in the day we were not at risk to have our property seized when we played at a legit field. My guess is, if a person gets busted at a field/their home and police take all their...
Forum: General February 20th, 2021, 06:43
Replies: 12
Views: 9,090
Posted By 666
Who are you going to sell it to? Most enthusiasts...

Who are you going to sell it to? Most enthusiasts already know about C-21. If C-21 passes you will still be able to legally possess your collection, plink in the basement etc. but if cop asks you...
Forum: General February 19th, 2021, 12:37
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Watch the video that was posted on 4th page,...

Watch the video that was posted on 4th page, couple of guys posted it, including me. Lawyer who happens to be firearm advocate is taking some of sections of C-21 apart and explains it in simple...
Forum: General February 19th, 2021, 11:39
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
It was said that orange tip/painting guns in...

It was said that orange tip/painting guns in bright colors, UK style, wont fly in Canada. Barrel tip of any real gun can also be painted orange. Plus, Libs dont really care about public safety...
Forum: General February 19th, 2021, 05:57
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Sun posted an article....

Sun posted an article.
Forum: General February 18th, 2021, 14:45
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Lawyer is explaining how C-21 will affect airsoft...

Lawyer is explaining how C-21 will affect airsoft and it's not looking good. Apparently in order to keep whatever we already have we would need to have a license to possess prohibited device. License...
Forum: General February 18th, 2021, 14:12
Replies: 226
Views: 676,802
Posted By 666
My first event. Only had Russian urban BDU and...

My first event. Only had Russian urban BDU and black vest. I was bb magnet entire day :p Deadlands was fun place. I also remember "beer wars" where our side played Canadian rednecks, dressed in plaid...
Forum: General February 17th, 2021, 19:04
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
I was taling about my comment on a post. There...

I was taling about my comment on a post. There were people who were giving ideas and messages we added. I was jumping between FB and ASC. There were people who were talking about bad things on FB and...
Forum: General February 17th, 2021, 17:51
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
By publicly posting some ideas are not not giving...

By publicly posting some ideas are not not giving them a get out of jail free card. Your are giving government another thing to look at.
Forum: General February 17th, 2021, 17:49
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
By publicly posting some ideas are not not giving...

By publicly posting some ideas are not not giving them a get out of jail free card. Your are giving government another thing to look at.
Forum: General February 17th, 2021, 17:41
Replies: 193
Views: 385,750
Posted By 666
Did. Trying to say what?

Did. Trying to say what?
Showing results 1 to 50 of 500

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