Airsoft Canada

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DCubed3 February 28th, 2010 22:52

Question about how AV and retailers work
Hi there airsoftcanada and its users, my name is Dave, a newcommer to the world of airsoft. So for the last week or so I have been reading and grasping a basic knowledge of this forum and airsoft in general. Basically studying what not to say for your first post around here haha. "I'm getting a snipar whur can I buy 1??/???" :). Anyways, I have read alot of the stickys and FAQ's, but I just want to be absolutly positive about some basic questions. By the way, I am sorry if some of this stuff is already answered, I know it is likely, but like I said I am just kind of attempting to clarify. First of all, this whole age verification system. Is this website kind of a chainlink connecting Canadian laws and airsoft? When attempting to purchase a softair gun from a website like shootsoft, is it going to check to see if I am age verified on this website, and if i'm not, it will simply deny my access to purchasing anything from the website? If I am age verified, and the above question is true, does that make me able to buy full black guns from shootsoft? Thanks alot guys in advance, I was pretty happy to see an active community of responsible airsofters. A good establishment in a sport/game that seems to be sadly dying off, along with paintball. Thanks again guys - Dave.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw February 28th, 2010 22:56

No, all being AV'ed does is allow you to access our Classifieds and AV Retailers where you can purchase guns. It has nothing to do with any other site. When you can access the classifieds you will be able to buy guns from users here at much better prices and selections than you will find on sites like Shootsoft (who have a pretty bad rep here by the way).

NoGear February 28th, 2010 22:58


Originally Posted by DCubed3 (Post 1175720)
Hi there airsoftcanada and its users, my name is Dave, a newcommer to the world of airsoft. So for the last week or so I have been reading and grasping a basic knowledge of this forum and airsoft in general. Basically studying what not to say for your first post around here haha. "I'm getting a snipar whur can I buy 1??/???" :). Anyways, I have read alot of the stickys and FAQ's, but I just want to be absolutly positive about some basic questions. By the way, I am sorry if some of this stuff is already answered, I know it is likely, but like I said I am just kind of attempting to clarify. First of all, this whole age verification system. Is this website kind of a chainlink connecting Canadian laws and airsoft? When attempting to purchase a softair gun from a website like shootsoft, is it going to check to see if I am age verified on this website, and if i'm not, it will simply deny my access to purchasing anything from the website? If I am age verified, and the above question is true, does that make me able to buy full black guns from shootsoft? Thanks alot guys in advance, I was pretty happy to see an active community of responsible airsofters. A good establishment in a sport/game that seems to be sadly dying off, along with paintball. Thanks again guys - Dave.

Aved= able to buy black guns and sell guns only on ASC

Aved= proved your 18+

the av system is only for Asc because of many legal issues i assume and other sites don't check if your ageverrified eventhough the store owners are on these fourms

Aved= you can also ask a retailer to bring in certain things you might not otherwise get

DCubed3 March 1st, 2010 21:01

awesome man, thanks for the information. What is a website with a good rep, and what exacle is wrong with shootsoft? Also, so does all of this basically mean that if I go on say shootsoft, and the gun isnt show as clear, I can't buy it?

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw March 1st, 2010 21:09

Want to buy an airsoft gun? Then get AV'ed and then you will have access to plenty of retailers here as well as personal classifieds. We cannot tell you of any retailers without being AV'ed (other than halfbreed/cansoft/clear gun retailers which can easily be found). I suggest you do a bit more reading regarding the situation with airsoft then you will find most of your questions have already been answered.

So if your 18 or over then get AV'ed. If your not 18, then forget about buying any guns as we do NOT condone minors owning guns and are not allowed to play on most fields.

R.I.T.Z March 1st, 2010 21:12

Most everyone on this forum will tell you to get “Age verified” and buy from the classifieds.
You cannot import any guns from websites outside of Canada.
Airsoft is a 18+ sport
Sniping is not for newbies
If you are underage please do not try to circumvent the system in place, its there for a reason.
Nobody will help you get a gun if you are not age verified or underage
Do not play in your backyard/forest or anything of the like. Only play on official fields.
Please read the FAQ’s

FAQ's Please read

How To get verified


DCubed3 March 3rd, 2010 22:20

Awesome guys, thank you for the information, I am going to look into getting age verified. I know about those FAQS I have already taken a read through them, and no I don't intend on starting using a sniper, I think I am going to go with an AEG, something of a m16 style. Thanks again for all the information guys, a good help this forum is. Although this is going to sound like a huge condricition of myself, because of saying that I am not going to buy a sniper and all, but I previously looked at one called a TSD VSR-10 on shootsoft. I later encountered a topic on this site titled TSD/Well VSR-10 Clone. Is the TSD and Well version the same thing or something? Sorry if all these questions are in the incorrect place, but while im on the topic of guns, what is your recomendations for a beginner AEG, $200 and under? Thanks many again. For the third time :)

[SIK] Piér March 3rd, 2010 22:25

lol yeah well... with only a 200.00$ budget you should instead go directly to a canadian tire and buy a nice clear pumper :)

Plan to spend around 4 to 500 bucks for a stock aeg bud

DCubed3 March 3rd, 2010 22:30

Hm, now that indeed is dissapointing news. Now I actually do see a slight margin of logic towards new players going for a sniper rifle. They are cheap and in theory very cool, as I have heard in pratice not so much. Anyways thanks man.

coach March 3rd, 2010 22:36

as it's been stated numerous times. yes you can get a sniper rifle that is cheaper than an AEG but you will spend upwards of 5 times that to upgrade it to something comparable to what non crapsoft sniper rifles go for. sure a stock tsd/wel vsr clone might have 1337 high fps but it will lack in everything to make use of the high fps. of course, not being AV'd also puts you in a position of not being BA certified for higher FPS usage on fields. most outdoor field limits are 400 fps so a bolt action (BA) sniper rifle shooting hotter than that would sit you on the sidelines. if you were to acquire a sniper rifle (BA) that is shooting 400fps, you will loose most advantages of sniping.

if you're not sure, get to a game, get AV'd and if you're of age, make arrangements to rent an AEG.

Styrak March 3rd, 2010 22:56

Whoever told you airsoft is a dying sport/hobby is an idiot and a fear-monger-er.

L473ncy March 3rd, 2010 23:35


Originally Posted by DCubed3 (Post 1178205)
what is your recomendations for a beginner AEG, $200 and under?

TBH not much. I paid $450 for mine.

You could get a cheap Kraken and play it hard for a while until it breaks down (it will eventually, some may last for 100 rounds and others may last for upwards of 10,000 rounds it's really hit or miss with Krakens).

Don't do anything to it, don't mod it or upgrade or anything. All you need to do is take it to someone to degrease and regrease (with the good white lithium grease stuff) it and a few other minor things. When it breaks down it goes in the garbage or keep it for parts and you move onto a higher quality gun which by that time you should have the money for one. This route will end up costing $150 for Kraken + initial gundoc work if you can't/don't want to do it yourself + $400 your next high quality gun.

OR you could rent for a few games and once you can spend the $400 it takes for a decent gun just splurge and go ahead and buy it. This route will cost you rental fees + $400 for a gun when you do decide to go ahead and buy a gun.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw March 4th, 2010 06:50

The biggest mistake some newbies make is that they think they need an AEG NOWNOWNOW and don't want to spend allot right off the bat. That is understandable, so while you save money there are usually rentals available to tide you over for some games while you are saving for your AEG. When we tell people not to cheap out, its not because WE benefit from it; its purely for YOUR benefit. Don't have $400-$600 to spend right now? Save whatever money you have and wait until you can throw the cash down for the AEG that will start you off on the right path instead of one with a MUCH higher chance of breakdown and disappointments, and eventual degradation of your enjoyment with airsoft. The cheaper you buy, the more you will have to spend to keep it running and comparable with others.

coach March 4th, 2010 08:22


Originally Posted by DCubed3 (Post 1178205)
what is your recomendations for a beginner AEG, $200 and under? Thanks many again. For the third time :)


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1178266)
TBH not much. I paid $450 for mine.


my first AEG was a cheap used UTG MP5, but I sunk at least another $500 over the course of a year fixing and upgrading it to where I wanted it. Was my first so it was a trial and error process that I learned from. It's now a CA FMU with TM/Modify internals.

my second AEG was $500 and I've invested at least another $600 into getting it to where I want it but gamed with it stock. fixed things along the way that broke and replaced stuff that I wanted to replace for performance and accuracy. there's still stuff on it that I want to eventually swap out and replace but I can deal with bits being slightly damaged and not 100% for the time being.

would I spend $200 on a cheap ass crapsoft? NO!
would I spend $400-500 on a used AEG again? probably not, but it's possible.
would I spend $650-$1500 on a new one with all the bells and whistles? likely!

To the OP:
airsoft isn't a cheap hobby/sport. listen to us when we say save up for something better. if you can't decide and don't want to invest in a pricey but oh so worth it gun, RENT! spend your money on a kit you can use for multiple platforms.

DCubed3 March 5th, 2010 19:24

To everyone thank you a lot for all the information, I think instead I may just stick to paintball for the time being. I just don't deem it necessary to spend $500 on a airsoft rifle just yet, I think for now saving for school would be a wiser choice. Thanks again guys for a very well educated and pleasent forum :).

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