Airsoft Canada

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smokinjoe February 21st, 2010 13:02

My friend and I are trying to start our own business thought airsoft be the way to go what kind of fields are out there and were in New Brunswick. Theres just something about the sport that inspires me please help Thanks oh ya by the way definite newb here LOL

Strelok February 21st, 2010 13:06

... Uh.

There are many fields out there? Why not take a step with your own feet here and search a local airsoft forum for that kind of thing.

And wouldn't it make more sense to have experience in airsoft before making a 'business' from it? What exactly is this business?

TokyoSeven February 21st, 2010 13:26

When it comes to something like paintball/airsoft a special type of insurance is required, the package policy that you would purchase has varying levels of liability coverage. These package policy's are not cheap think thousand's of dollars, and I mean multiple thousands to start since you would be an entry level customer and the insurance company would see you as high risk, hence why that would charge you more. That's even if you can get a policy, the way it works is if you are indeed interested acquiring insurance for such a thing then you will need to approach a local insurance brokerage and address them with your request, in return they will provide you with the appropriate information and contacts for the small handful of agencies in Canada that cover such things. Once you have contact the agency you will be required to apply for coverage, its not a simple pay and get it kind of thing. You better be prepared to be provide detailed information on your business and nature of the events that you will be covering, the screening processes is extremely difficult and can take a fair amount of time. Be prepared for the possibility of being denied. If you are approved then that is when you can begin examining the amount of coverage you wish.

The Chad February 21st, 2010 13:37

Two commonly forgotten things:

Ministry of natural resources and Zoning.

L473ncy February 21st, 2010 13:54

There's a rule in business, don't start them with friends or family. Really, I'm not joking. If shit happens then the family gets broken and if it's with friends and shit goes down then friendships will be strained and friends will take sides which is not good.

You'll want a business plan first, covering every possible contingency and scenario. Maybe get someone who has knowledge of paintball games first and retain them as directors, partners, or something.

Zoning and approaching the city for a business license. Waiting for anyone to complain about the rezoning and possibly addressing the general publics questions comments concerns.

Then you're going to have to get insurance and construct all required safety management systems and have them in place (safe zones, netting, cordoning off unsafe areas, assessment of the land etc.).

You might have to hire a Geo Scientist/Geo Eng. (usually with P.Eng. association/certification/membership) or someone similarly qualified to do soil and slope stability assessments and sign off on it (safety reasons).

Then can you start constructing free standing buildings and opening up your field.

This also assumes you have liability insurance granted to you right off the bat and that you have the capital required or some sort of loan. One more word of advice, DON'T EVER EVER BORROW AGAINST YOUR HOUSE. EVER Assuming you get to this point it's a miracle but don't borrow against your house, better yet make your company a limited liability corporation (ie. you're not responsible for the loan, the company itself as a separate entity is). Keep in mind though that the courts can and will pierce the "corporate veil" if you use the entity for fraud or misrepresentation and in this case you now become personally liable and may have to forefit your house and all property.

I am NOT a business student or a lawyer or anything like that this is just wisdom that I've picked up and will impart on you.

Love February 21st, 2010 14:03

To OP: Do you have any experience in business? Entrepreneuring? Possibly Marketing? Might wanna atleast read up on alot of that stuff, before doing this "business idea".
You might also wanna play airsoft atleast a few times, so you are knowledgable in the game, and field requirements/preferrances. Last but not least, get your first aid license. Just incase. (First aid with CPR B)

Boyso February 21st, 2010 14:54

Also, I suggest typing Field correctly for your business, it will help with the sales ;)

kalnaren February 21st, 2010 15:18

Insurance alone is going to cost you six figures a year. I'm not joking.

L473ncy February 21st, 2010 15:42


Originally Posted by Love (Post 1169173)
First aid with CPR B

... Um... screw that, if he's really serious then someone on staff with First Responder, Wilderness/Remote First Aid or something similar to those levels is probably a better idea than a simple 16 hour (2 day) course.

Note, I only have Safety Oriented First Aid (Standard First Aid) CPR C w/ AED Module that's good enough for the jobs that I'm applying for (I hope to be doing field work involving gathering data out in remote locations this summer) but if you're going to be running a business where something like this is likely it's probably good to retain someone with more advanced training on staff (and possibly recert every year even if the insurance doesn't require it).

pusangani February 21st, 2010 17:00

lol it's refreshing to have one of these types of threads, the repetitive noob sniper threads of late are so boring and dull, the "unkown noob that wants to open his own field" thread hasn't come up in a long time

to the other noobs: noob sniper threads threads are kinda passe at the moment, however here are a few ideas that are little less common yet equally entertaining:

- I'm a cadet/have lots of real steel firearm experience, why can't I own/play airsoft if I'm 12 years old?

- I've found a us/int'l retailer that says he can ship airsoft guns to me, has anyone had any luck with this? (any site except eastcoast airsoft will do as they've kinda been reamed out on ASC recently)

- Can I use my 450+fps gun in CQB if I use heavier bb's? no? why not?

- I want to open up an airsoft store, how do I go about getting a speshul* licence to import airsoft

- I know I can't be av'd as I am underaged, but how do the guns in the classifieds get here if importing airsoft is supposed to be illegal?

*Incorporating the use of horrendous spelling also adds to the fun factor for those responding to the thread.

Deaf_shooter February 21st, 2010 17:12


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1169277)
- I know I can't be av'd as I am underaged, but how do the guns in the classifieds get here if importing airsoft is supposed to be illegal?

I just saw this one recent XD

Short Round February 21st, 2010 17:12


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1169277)
lol it's refreshing to have one of these types of threads, the repetitive noob sniper threads of late are so boring and dull, the "unkown noob that wants to open his own field" thread hasn't come up in a long time

to the other noobs: noob sniper threads threads are kinda passe at the moment, however here are a few ideas that are little less common yet equally entertaining:

- I'm a cadet/have lots of real steel firearm experience, why can't I own/play airsoft if I'm 12 years old?

- I've found a us/int'l retailer that says he can ship airsoft guns to me, has anyone had any luck with this? (any site except eastcoast airsoft will do as they've kinda been reamed out on ASC recently)

- Can I use my 450+fps gun in CQB if I use heavier bb's? no? why not?

- I want to open up an airsoft store, how do I go about getting a speshul* licence to import airsoft

- I know I can't be av'd as I am underaged, but how do the guns in the classifieds get here if importing airsoft is supposed to be illegal?

*Incorporating the use of horrendous spelling also adds to the fun factor for those responding to the thread.

Don't forget "what gun is the best to get"

GSK88 February 21st, 2010 17:19


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1169277)
lol it's refreshing to have one of these types of threads, the repetitive noob sniper threads of late are so boring and dull, the "unkown noob that wants to open his own field" thread hasn't come up in a long time

to the other noobs: noob sniper threads threads are kinda passe at the moment, however here are a few ideas that are little less common yet equally entertaining:

- I'm a cadet/have lots of real steel firearm experience, why can't I own/play airsoft if I'm 12 years old?

- I've found a us/int'l retailer that says he can ship airsoft guns to me, has anyone had any luck with this? (any site except eastcoast airsoft will do as they've kinda been reamed out on ASC recently)

- Can I use my 450+fps gun in CQB if I use heavier bb's? no? why not?

- I want to open up an airsoft store, how do I go about getting a speshul* licence to import airsoft

- I know I can't be av'd as I am underaged, but how do the guns in the classifieds get here if importing airsoft is supposed to be illegal?

*Incorporating the use of horrendous spelling also adds to the fun factor for those responding to the thread.

I'm gonna buy you a round of drinks one night. You must get thirsty after trumping noobs all day.

The Chad February 21st, 2010 17:21

Remember the "I'm gonna go into business making receivers" one?

pusangani February 21st, 2010 17:26


Originally Posted by Deaf_shooter (Post 1169285)
I just saw this one recent XD

Yes I vaguely remember this, subconsciously I must have remembered and added it


Originally Posted by Najohn (Post 1169286)
Don't forget "what gun is the best to get"

That' pretty common tho, we want original noobs, not mediocre ones


Originally Posted by GSK88 (Post 1169291)
I'm gonna buy you a round of drinks one night. You must get thirsty after trumping noobs all day.

LOL Cheers mate!


Originally Posted by LoveMyStubby (Post 1169293)
Remember the "I'm gonna go into business making receivers" one?

Yeah, that one was quite original, I was very impressed when I saw that one

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