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THe_Silencer January 18th, 2010 16:13

G&P M120 vs M160 Turbo charger motors
Hi, I'm looking of getting a new motor for my P90 that will give me the best RoF.Does the G&P M120 shoot faster than the M160? I hear the M160 is comparable to a Systema Magnum motor. Reason I ask this is b/c the M160 is called the "Turbo charger" and that sounds pretty damn fast, yet its rated to pull very heavy springs, something that fast motors can't do too well.

ThunderCactus January 18th, 2010 17:16

The M160 is a torque motor, the M120 is a speed motor.
Of course it depends heavily on your setup I find. My G&P M140 makes my gun shoot faster than my G&P M120, just because the extra torque makes the gears easier to turn.
There's other options to explore though:
-MOSFET switch (it's like $30 and increases your ROF by an audibly noticeable amount)
-More amperage (better or bigger cells)
-More voltage (more cells, bigger battery)
-LiPo (most efficient size for amperage/voltage, makes the most sense for a P90 with limited space)
-New gears (high speed or standard gears)
-lighter spring (lighter spring, less resistance, more speed)

Just for reference, I get 1100rpm with a G&P M140, 380fps spring, double torque gears, triggermaster MKIII and a 7.4v 1600mah 25C LiPo

incrediboy729 January 18th, 2010 23:35

The m140 is more of a speed motor, and the m160 is torque. I'm not sure how the speed of the m160 compares to the Magnum, but it sure as heck hauls. I run an m150 with G&G Hyper-Torque Gears (somewhat equivalent to double torque) with a Mini Elite 12v. It pulls it ok, but i really need a bigger battery to test.

Amos January 19th, 2010 00:27

The G&P M160 Kicks the Systema Magnum's ass.

Just as much torque with about 50% of the power drain. Systema motors are poorly built pigs.

chaosnemesis January 19th, 2010 06:37

It really depends on the spring. As the model would suggest the G&P m120 motor should be used with springs rated with no more than M120. anything stiffer and it'll have trouble pulling it.

At 340 fps (M100) my TM p90 shoots out about 21rps (stock TM gearset) with the 120motor (was putting out 16rps with TM EG1000). At this speed, i didn't see any point in trying the M160 motor. On my Echo-1 P90 the M120 motor would not fit in the motor cage (without modification) however, i happend to come across a spare EG1000 that worked fine.

ThunderCactus January 19th, 2010 10:12

The G&P M120 will pull 420fps just fine
When I first got my M4, it was shooting 1000rpm at 400fps with an 8.4v 2200mah battery, stock gears and 16 gauge wiring

THe_Silencer January 21st, 2010 00:15

Ok, so I decided on getting a M160 motor. I plan on using the stock spring. Will a 9.6V mini batt. have any issues? As well, I'm more into ROF than FPS. So will getting high speed gears with a high torque get me better ROF or should I go with high torque gears? Also THunderCatus, where can u buy a $30 MOFSET? Thanks for all the advice!

Amos January 21st, 2010 00:20

Euch... a G&P M160 on a 9.6 will most likely destroy your piston with a stock spring (It'll be shooting WAY too fast for the spring to keep up)

cerealmaniac January 21st, 2010 00:36


Originally Posted by THe_Silencer (Post 1146840)
Ok, so I decided on getting a M160 motor. I plan on using the stock spring. Will a 9.6V mini batt. have any issues? As well, I'm more into ROF than FPS. So will getting high speed gears with a high torque get me better ROF or should I go with high torque gears? Also THunderCatus, where can u buy a $30 MOFSET? Thanks for all the advice!

you can buy one of those DIY kits from DonP he's under the retailers

incrediboy729 January 21st, 2010 01:32


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1146845)
Euch... a G&P M160 on a 9.6 will most likely destroy your piston with a stock spring (It'll be shooting WAY too fast for the spring to keep up)

Mostly agreed. You might wear out your piston faster. Just for kicks, i ran a worn out stock CA spring with a 12v mini, standard speed/torque gears, and my m160 motor. Spring couldn't keep up, and took some wear off the back of my piston. Nothing absolutely catastrophic, i ran probably a good 5000 intense full auto rounds through it. So with standard torque gears and a 9.6v, you should be OK. But i make no promises, with high speed gears, your piston could very well blow.

THe_Silencer January 21st, 2010 02:55

Will using high toque gears be easier on the piston? Does that mean I should get a stronger spring then so that it can keep up? I'm not looking for a crazy ROF, just in the 25 rps is fine. What's the optimal config that will get me those kind of results?

Amos January 21st, 2010 03:28

For 25 RPS at a low FPS would be a good set of Prometheus High speed gears, Prometheus 7mm Bearings, Prometheus MS90 spring and a Prometheus piston body

I put something similar to this in my buddy's AK74U and he was spitting 27BB/sec on 8.4v 2/3 cell mini

chaosnemesis January 21st, 2010 06:00

you can get an active braking mosfet from for 18 bucks shipped. It'll take 3 weeks to get to you though.

THe_Silencer January 21st, 2010 10:22


Originally Posted by chaosnemesis (Post 1146956)
you can get an active braking mosfet from for 18 bucks shipped. It'll take 3 weeks to get to you though.

There's 2 to choose from: an AK and an M4 one. Which one is best for my P90?

chaosnemesis January 21st, 2010 11:18

they're both the same just different wire lengths. 2 wires for the trigger and 2 for the motor. Either way for a p90 it's way too long and you might want to cut it to length because you won't have anywhere to stow away the extra length. I'm using the "m4" in my echo1 p90. Works great, better rof and no over cycling.

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