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cooney December 7th, 2009 00:04

Music Morale booster?
I kept thinking about this idea of sticking speakers and plugging in my MP3 and blasting Morale boosting music. It doesn't sound practical but I want to try it because it just sounds so cool with music in the background!
YouTube- Richard Wagner - Ride Of The Valkyries

Light.Cavalier December 7th, 2009 02:28

Works if you are in a German made tank but I doubt that you are.

Whodini December 7th, 2009 03:04

Just listen to Edith Piaf and you'll simply cream your pants with the emotions conveyed in her voice, even if you don't speak french.

Either that, or listen to Toccata and Fugue in conjunction with that Wagner piece....

FOX_111 December 7th, 2009 16:26

Feel free to blast it, so I will know that your attack is comming and know where to shoot.

Seriously, I once considering implimenting some PsyOps componement to mission, where sound and speachs are blasted toward the ennemy. That would be good if you could lure them into well positionned ambush just by playing sound of beer bottle openning and people having free rounds.

cerealmaniac December 7th, 2009 16:31

why don't you try listen to some rocky! =)

Boomshakah December 7th, 2009 16:43

I do have a playlist containing few songs that I listen when I play.

Awesome, no other word for it.

Kingsix December 8th, 2009 01:33


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1118777)
Feel free to blast it, so I will know that your attack is comming and know where to shoot.

Seriously, I once considering implimenting some PsyOps componement to mission, where sound and speachs are blasted toward the ennemy. That would be good if you could lure them into well positionned ambush just by playing sound of beer bottle openning and people having free rounds.

How about recording Airsoft gun fire and playing it back? Totally freak out the enemy as they think there are more guys attacking :D

Leeloo December 9th, 2009 00:45

There's been a lot of research about the effects of music on the mind, music and emotions in the past few years. The best-seller "This is your brain on Music" by D.J. Levitin has some pretty good concepts on that subject. It's light, easy to read, although it has some neuroscience mistakes, but the author is more a musician than anything else in my point of view. Easily found in libraries.

I remember a thread in another forum that was "your favourite ride theme", as in what song do paramedics play on the ambulance when driving to an intervention. You'd be surprised what people put up hehe.

One research showed that classical music helps with concentration (focus) when studying. Even classical music played in the background of a teacher addressing students showed that students were more attentive.

Edit: Book title.

Light.Cavalier December 9th, 2009 07:40

So the obsession with Wagner did have a purpose.

Eeyore December 14th, 2009 09:30

Why do you think Scottish pipers marched up and down the trenches while playing during WWI. Obviously music is capable of inspiration.

JTF27 December 14th, 2009 10:59

If the show combat school is correct then they use heavy metal to demoralize enemy forces in villages before they enter.

-Skeletor- December 14th, 2009 13:35


Originally Posted by JTF27 (Post 1123432)
If the show combat school is correct then they use heavy metal to demoralize enemy forces in villages before they enter.

Considering Combat School is a documentry on the workup training 3RCR did for TF 3-08 I'd say it's accurate.

Yes some Operations employed Psy Ops in that way an yes they played metal, etc as the Insurgents(an locals) don't like this kind of music. Plus it pumped up the troops.

FOX_111 December 14th, 2009 13:41

If we reverse the rolls, the insurgents would beseige our city by playing Dirka dirka and jihad music all night long. While we whine and cry, they dance and pray Allah.


Pivot December 14th, 2009 17:32

Legion by Junkie XL
Recording of the NZ All Blacks doing the Haka.
Fett's Vette by MC Chris
Bring Da Ruckus by The Wu-Tang Clan
Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes

Can't go wrong with these pumping through your iPod just before a game. Wagner is just so effing cliche (and Hitler's favorite composer, so obviously not party people).

naminator December 14th, 2009 17:55

Or if you really want to fuck with peoples minds.... Play Barbie Girl by Aqua on loud speakers, or some other absolutely annoying but oddly catchy tune that makes you want to dig out your ear drums with a rusty fork.

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