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Kokanee November 6th, 2009 13:15

ASC mobile?
It's been mentioned that there is a mobile version of the site for iPhones etc. Anyone know how to enable this?


Mitchell12 November 6th, 2009 13:18

It's one of the styles isn't it?

Ronan November 6th, 2009 13:23

It works fine on my iTouch the way it is. What issues are you having?

Frozen Tex November 6th, 2009 13:27

I use it on my BB Storm; occasionally a page loads only the first post, and actually posting is slow, but otherwise it's fine.

Ronan November 6th, 2009 14:04

Hmnn on the iTouch/iPhone i found it easy to browse.

What kind of browser comes with BB? Do they have options? I recall last phone having options to make it easier to browse since it didn't use a 'full' browser.

T_A_N_K November 6th, 2009 14:19


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1099509)
I have a BB there a way to avoid having to scoll though a half dozen pages of menu items before you get to the post/PM/body?

Got to your browser settings and change it to column view. Makes EVERYTHING on my BB Bold easier to read at a distance.

surebet November 6th, 2009 14:30

I used to use it with my Curve, but since I lost images (and the all important AV tag) I switched back to the regular version with tables off.

With my Tour I just use the regular version

CDN_Stalker November 6th, 2009 14:40

I have it on my BB, I just initially accessed it via Google then bookmarked it. Bit of a pain to get around here, but am able to if need be.

Kokanee November 6th, 2009 14:44

Oh I'm viewing it just fine on my iPhone but am interested if there is an optimized version is all. Actually typing this post on my phone right now.

CDN_Stalker November 6th, 2009 14:58

Ah, ok. My biggest peeve is having to scroll down through all the menus above just to get to the forums, or the threads, etc. Is why I try to avoid looking stuff up on my BB, I just use my work PC or personal laptop(s).

Dart November 6th, 2009 15:05

has anyone found a way to stop doing the ASC warp? My samsung omnia loves to warp me up to the top left corner or randomly down to someones name. I think its trying to *find the last post* but fuck its annoying.

coach November 6th, 2009 15:06

the bottom bar of any page will have a style menu. select mobile for a text only version.

I use it on my HTC to conserve bandwidth. I sometimes use it on my iTouch as it loads much faster

use this link:

if you click that link by accident on a PC, just log out and it will clear the style ID and revert to normal/default

Tex November 6th, 2009 15:37

you can change to the mobile version anytime from the style menu at the very bottom of any page.

CDN_Stalker November 6th, 2009 16:39


Originally Posted by Tex (Post 1099610)
you can change to the mobile version anytime from the style menu at the very bottom of any page.

Hey, I just did that and it worked, loaded up lickity split too! Instead of the 'Boring Blue' I selected mobile and bang, done!

coach November 6th, 2009 16:46


Originally Posted by Tex (Post 1099610)
you can change to the mobile version anytime from the style menu at the very bottom of any page.

do I hear an echo? LOL

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