Airsoft Canada

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B.O.P.E. October 21st, 2009 12:48

Totally new to the Sport but not to the Idea
First of all I'm from toronto I'm ex military, I played semi-pro paintball in Brazil for 4 years.I'm looking for all the info I can get on airsoft in Toronto eg: where can i play, how often do people play, what is a great starter gun, what basic gear do I need to get started. etc. My moto is play fair or F*$K off

L473ncy October 21st, 2009 13:07

Great. You can start by reading the FAQ section. Theres a lot of good information there. So much as to keep you busy for a while.

Depends, you can play once a year, once a week, or somewhere in between (once a month or once every 2 weeks).

Get AV'ed and you'll have access to a wider variety of guns. Definitely do not get the Walmart/CT cheapo crap.

Basic gear,

Boots (regular hiking boots is what I use however a lot of people will use military hiking boots)
Some sort of load bearing vest or carrier (I use a knockoff RAV vest)


Killrag (red bandanna or piece of fabric to mark you've been killed so people hopefully don't shoot at you)
Radio (like a Motorola SABER) (necessity for milsims however not really needed for smaller "weekly" skirmishes)

As for places to play TTAC3 in Toronto is a great place for CQB however most games are held at paintball venues (some may be held at private fields like Bigfoot in Mission, BC)

If you have a girlfriend or wife it might be wise to also invest in a comfortable couch, maybe even one that folds out...

m102404 October 21st, 2009 13:11

Take a read of THIS...I wrote it up a little while ago with the "newcomer" in mind.

There's a game this Sat at CQB...PM (personal message) the host and ask if you can drop by. The host might be really busy...running 25-30 guys gets pretty hectic...but there'll be lots of guys to chat with.

Have fun


KoolAidMan October 21st, 2009 13:12

basic gear needed

paintball googles
tac vest something to hold your magazines pretty much

this is the most basic gear

depending on the look your going for if you wan't a miltia, merc, resitance uniform then regular clothes will work if your going for a millitary look then bdu

some people say bdu's are basic gear my opinion its optional because you don't need it.

oh i'm hosting a game on saturday so if you wan't come by and talk to some of the guys it's at cqb paintball

tyson beat me to mentioning my own game .

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