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Kingsix October 19th, 2009 11:08

V3 Gearbox Lockup
My V3 Gearbox keeps locking up, There is no problems with the Motor as it runs fine when Detached from the gearbox shell. Sometimes the Gearbox cycles but it jams shortly. I can hear the Motor trying to cycle, I have opened up the box and there is no broken gear teeth.

hobbidude October 19th, 2009 11:21

yes, i'm been having multiple problems with my ca v3 gearbox as well-same idea. I've reshimmed the box, tried new batteries (8.4v), and nothing. I only solution i can think of was getting some 9.6v batteries and seeing if its just an issue with power and torque.

TnT_13 October 19th, 2009 12:11

Motor Height. 99% sure that's your only issue. A more powerful battery will accomplish nothing...

Sometimes my motor height is so picky it needs to be within a 1/4 turn of perfect to keep from locking up. I know what a pain in the @$$ it is.

SHÖCK October 19th, 2009 12:17


Originally Posted by TnT_13 (Post 1087131)
Motor Height. 99% sure that's your only issue. A more powerful battery will accomplish nothing...

Sometimes my motor height is so picky it needs to be within a 1/4 turn of perfect to keep from locking up. I know what a pain in the @$$ it is.

Check motor height first, the next thing to do IS try a more powerful battery. I've worked on a dozen v3 gearboxes. This has happened on quite a few from a weak or old battery.

Hobbidude, I've seen your posts on JOC regarding that CA gearbox, try your motor height and then just try a more powerful battery. Put a 7.4v 20C lipo on there and I'm sure it will work or I'll fix your mechbox myself :P

hobbidude October 20th, 2009 18:11

Thanks for the offer there shock- i'm hoping i can cure this. For adjusting the motor height-its just that little set screw in the bottem of the mount, right?

kalnaren October 20th, 2009 18:29

Mine had a tendency to lock up with the stock connectors because they caused so much resistence. A re-wire fixed it right up.

SHÖCK October 22nd, 2009 03:26


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 1088109)
Mine had a tendency to lock up with the stock connectors because they caused so much resistence. A re-wire fixed it right up.

yeah, bad electrical connections will do that too, not enough juice will get to your motor, parts of the wiring will get really hot and you'll hear your motor whine and the mechbox make a failed click and not move anywhere.

SHÖCK October 22nd, 2009 03:29


Originally Posted by hobbidude (Post 1088097)
Thanks for the offer there shock- i'm hoping i can cure this. For adjusting the motor height-its just that little set screw in the bottem of the mount, right?

Yeah, if the motor pinion gear is too low, it could be that there isn't enough contact with the spur gear to give it enough torque. When you reshimmed, you made sure that the gears spun freely (without anti-reversal latch) when the box was screwed together right? I still think it's a power issue (battery, wiring, etc.)

cerealmaniac October 22nd, 2009 11:27

check ur fuses too and trace the wiring for any shorts. also if you have a 3rd party hand grip check that. it might be too tight

ybrik October 26th, 2009 02:01

just a tip in reshimming, do it without the compression parts. Put on the motor and hook up the battery. run the motor while adjusting the motor plate screw at the bottom. You'll have an idea of the sound when your motor is already at its optimum height.

In m4s (v2), after doing the above, you could try to install right half of the mechbox with the pistol grip. Lay the bevel gear, install the motor and screw the motor plate. In this way you could really tell where the motor pinion gear meets with the bevel gear.

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