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RoyalEagles August 21st, 2009 10:03

Paintball Pod Belt instead of Vest
OK I read all the rules and there is nothing stating that we can/cant use a paintball pod belt. I am thinking of buying this instead of a vest since my gun has 2 mags and they clip onto eachother. I will put water bottles filled with bbs instead of pods filled with paintballs. Is this Ok?

Darklen August 21st, 2009 10:15

It all depends on the game and the game admin. Propably ok for skirmishes, but you'll rattle like a macarena when you run. If you really want to use the pods for ammo sotrage, keep the bb's in their bags so they don't rattle too much. Skip storing bb's in the water bottles.

The Saint August 21st, 2009 10:16

Will it work? Yes.

Will it work well? No.

Will people laugh? A lot.

There is a certain minimum expectation in terms of investment and appearance associated with playing airsoft. It seems like you're going to have to buy either a pod belt or a tac vest, so why not invest in the gear appropriate to the activity you'll be participating in?

Not to mention that you're underaged. If your local community permits you to participate, the least you can do is to not show up wearing paintball gear.

ratnest August 21st, 2009 10:29

and you can get pretty cheap vests, like 40ish dollars

RoyalEagles August 21st, 2009 10:45


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 1049960)
Will it work? Yes.

Will it work well? No.

Will people laugh? A lot.

There is a certain minimum expectation in terms of investment and appearance associated with playing airsoft. It seems like you're going to have to buy either a pod belt or a tac vest, so why not invest in the gear appropriate to the activity you'll be participating in?

Not to mention that you're underaged. If your local community permits you to participate, the least you can do is to not show up wearing paintball gear.

Yeah most of the game hosts I asked said it ws 16+ so I am gonna buy my gear now and wait till the summer to get my gun. Its because what am I gonna do with like 6 empty pouches?Put kleenex in them :P
Oh and if our guns(S&W M3000) is painted black can we still use them or they have to be smoked black.

Goge August 21st, 2009 10:48

chinese clones, tho you get what you pay for, are only $25. Would they last you through a war? hell no. will they last for a year of airsoft every weekend? yep, but you might need a new one next year. Or maybe some work on it here and there. ASCmart has nice 1000cord static vests starting at $60.

also depends where you play. My bro puts empty crushed water bottles into his empty pouches to "cushion" his crazy spetsnaz dives, rolls and running full speed into trees "for cover" when we play on the TWAT farm field.

Also you shouldn't ever need to keep bbs on your person in the field unless its a 5 hour scenario or the safe/staging zone is 20minutes away.

AznFireboi August 21st, 2009 12:02


Originally Posted by RoyalEagles (Post 1049968)
Yeah most of the game hosts I asked said it ws
Oh and if our guns(S&W M3000) is painted black can we still use them or they have to be smoked black.

If the S&W shotgun you bought is from walmart, forget about using it at all. It isnt of any quality at all. And most, if not all people here plays with fully black guns, painted or stock.

Brian McIlmoyle August 21st, 2009 12:19


Originally Posted by AznFireboi (Post 1049997)
If the S&W shotgun you bought is from walmart, forget about using it at all. It isnt of any quality at all. And most, if not all people here plays with fully black guns, painted or stock.

That is not true.. Walmart shotties are fine.. not great range .. but they shoot 3 bbs at a time and shoot reasonable FPS. They have all the limitations of a Real Shotgun.. shorter range.. but greater hit probability due to 3 bbs.
I know quite a few guys who have one kept handy "for close encounters"

Paint it up and go. You won't be able to go toe to toe with a quality AEG .. but then a Shotgun can't go toe to toe with a rifle.. you have to play to the weakness and strengths of your chosen weapon. Gun don't make the shooter

On the PB BOD belt..
well gear don't make the shooter either.. but I would not show up geared for PB .. unless I intended to play PB

AznFireboi August 21st, 2009 12:26


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1050003)
That is not true.. Walmart shotties are fine.. not great range .. but they shoot 3 bbs at a time and shoot reasonable FPS. They have all the limitations of a Real Shotgun.. shorter range.. but greater hit probability due to 3 bbs.
I know quite a few guys who have one kept handy "for close encounters"

Paint it up and go. You won't be able to go toe to toe with a quality AEG .. but then a Shotgun can't go toe to toe with a rifle.. you have to play to the weakness and strengths of your chosen weapon. Gun don't make the shooter

The only clear shotgun that I know is good is the canadian tire crossman one. The clone of the TM shotty. I've bought the walmart S&W shotgun a couple years back and it isn't too great, as it only shoots out a single bb.

Brian McIlmoyle August 21st, 2009 12:41


Originally Posted by AznFireboi (Post 1050008)
The only clear shotgun that I know is good is the canadian tire crossman one. The clone of the TM shotty. I've bought the walmart S&W shotgun a couple years back and it isn't too great, as it only shoots out a single bb.

Even so.. I have a Single bb shotty.. (not clearsoft) that works just fine.. Does not shoot hard or long but I have got lots of hits with it.
I'll still take it out now and again despite having more than a dozen other much better guns.

It's fun to challenge yourself by running a gun that can't compete on range or volume of fire.. but relies on the skill of the shooter.

anyone can spray and pray... fewer can plan and pop

Again... the gun does not make the shooter.

L473ncy August 21st, 2009 12:49

Actually Brian is SOOOOO right. You have no idea.

I actually got hit by one of those dollar store airsoft pistols (the ones that are about the size of someones palm) the last game I played. It didn't even shoot more than 120 FPS. Guy was waiting around the corner when I was going around to patrol (I was in a "crack shack" with 2 others). shot as soon as I turned the corner. Had I camped there eventually the game would have either been over or he would have rushed in in the last few mins and therefore have me hit him.

pusangani August 21st, 2009 14:20


Originally Posted by RoyalEagles (Post 1049968)
Yeah most of the game hosts I asked said it ws 16+ so I am gonna buy my gear now and wait till the summer to get my gun. Its because what am I gonna do with like 6 empty pouches?Put kleenex in them :P
Oh and if our guns(S&W M3000) is painted black can we still use them or they have to be smoked black.

if you aren't using it now, ynot save your money and get some proper midcap mags instead of this gay pod belt, that just sounds homo "pod belt"

as The Saint said, if the local game host is kind enough to let you play, at least show up appropriately dressed and equipped, when someone cuts you some slack, you must do much more than the other guys as you are allowed the privelege of participating at 16+,

as a game host reading this I'd reconsider letting you play as I wouldnt want no kid showing up with no gay ass pod belt to play at my games, I'd expect them to be as well equipped or better and at least 5 times as mature as the 18+ guys.

Brian McIlmoyle August 21st, 2009 14:29


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1050083)
if you aren't using it now, ynot save your money and get some proper midcap mags instead of this gay pod belt, that just sounds homo "pod belt"

as The Saint said, if the local game host is kind enough to let you play, at least show up appropriately dressed and equipped, when someone cuts you some slack, you must do much more than the other guys as you are allowed the privelege of participating at 16+,

as a game host reading this I'd reconsider letting you play as I wouldnt want no kid showing up with no gay ass pod belt to play at my games, I'd expect them to be as well equipped or better and at least 5 times as mature as the 18+ guys.

This rings true.

I have allowed a couple of underagers participate.. they showed up well equiped, properly armed, approving parent in tow. and proved that they "got it" earned them a CHANCE

Malice Army August 21st, 2009 15:38

what does equipment have to do with having fun? ALL SHOW AND NO GO. Just because you look the part doesn't make it so.

pusangani August 21st, 2009 15:41

because this is airsoft and not paintball and part of the FUN is the realism, with that logic clearsoft guns are fine right? they use the same ammunition and function similarly, but no they are not ok to use.

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