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ginnz August 12th, 2009 23:44

What does/is a bore up kit do??
ok, now here's a noob question... i see bore up piston/cylinder kits for sale... ie: im looking at a Systema Mp5 bore up kit, it has the cylinder,piston, piston head,cylinder head, nozzel, and cylinder.

so what is the difference between a bore up kit, and regular parts?

thanks for any help!


AngelusNex August 12th, 2009 23:51

increases air volume inside of cylinder, I'm fairly certain it provides a slight fps increase.

Mitchell12 August 12th, 2009 23:52

It's only really nessecary if you've got some absurdly long barrel.

L473ncy August 13th, 2009 00:23

I read about it once somewhere, had to google for like 5-10 mins for the answer though but from what I remember it's to counteract/reduce "barrel suck" (although I think ported cylinders or something also do the same thing). From what I remember you only really need it for barrels longer than 580mm or something.

Styrak August 13th, 2009 01:02

What's with all the hearsay? "I think it does this", "I think I read about somewhere"

It's if you have a retarded long barrel (600mm+) you need a boreup kit to push enough air to fill up that long barrel and be efficient.

Amos August 13th, 2009 01:11

I never understood the point of ported bore-up kits..

ginnz August 13th, 2009 01:23

thanks guys.... thats kinda what i thought. although its seems like its not so cut and dried, or definitive, right off the bat. youd almost think there would be a certain gain in power, as the physical size is increased, its gotta push more air, certainly being more powerful?

is anyone here running one in, say an M4, or mp5? if so, what are your findings?

just curious.


Styrak August 13th, 2009 02:24


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1044299)
I never understood the point of ported bore-up kits..

Those exist?

That's completely retarded.

Styrak August 13th, 2009 02:26


Originally Posted by ginnz (Post 1044316)
youd almost think there would be a certain gain in power, as the physical size is increased, its gotta push more air, certainly being more powerful?

No, it's for filling longer barrels with enough air. Power has nothing to do with it. You'll actually lose FPS if you put a boreup kit in a short barreled gun, because the BB will leave the barrel before the piston has finished it's cycle, and it won't have all the power behind it that it would have had normally.

Thenooblord August 13th, 2009 02:32


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1044360)
Those exist?

That's completely retarded.

yea, i bought an M16 with a ported bore up kit, and i was like wtf? i dont get it either...but hey it didnt NOT work...

ginnz August 13th, 2009 03:47


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1044363)
No, it's for filling longer barrels with enough air. Power has nothing to do with it. You'll actually lose FPS if you put a boreup kit in a short barreled gun, because the BB will leave the barrel before the piston has finished it's cycle, and it won't have all the power behind it that it would have had normally.

ahh, yeas. makes 100% sense.... thanks for the info!:D

Bissa August 13th, 2009 03:51

wouldent having a bore up kit mean that the walls of the cylender are thinner and as such more fragile?

Styrak August 13th, 2009 03:52

Cylinders aren't fragile.

Skruface August 13th, 2009 10:33

Bore-up kits are generally designed to be used with M130 or higher springs. So unless you are building a >400 fps semi-only DMR kit with a PSG1 inner barrel (or alternately, a 50 rps bb hose with a short-stroked piston, m190 and Cyclone Dual Sector gear) you'll never need one.


moaner August 15th, 2009 16:43

can you put a psg1 barrel in an AK?

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