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HaloSix4 August 8th, 2009 01:13

G&G Combat Machine M4
So, I got this gun of of the Classifieds, not long after getting it I had a problem with it, first the BBS were jamming up fixed that. about 30 shots later it started to make a very loud grinding noise. I adjusted the Motor and that did not fix it, took the motor out and reseated, it no luck, now I have lots of guns, so I let it sit in a corner until I had time for it.

So I am about to work on it but when I pulled the trigger it would not move, it is jammed there hard, so I can figure out what the problem is, and I really don't want to fuck it up worse, because I do not know how to work on the BlowBack system, Any help would work.


sushicake August 8th, 2009 01:36

It's sounds like you shredded a gear or two. Or you could of snapped the tappet plate and it's jamming up the gears, the only way to find out is to take out the gearbox and check. Also the blowback system on a G&G has nothing to do with the internals, it's actually a tiny spring piston thingy that sits ontop of the gearbox.

HaloSix4 August 8th, 2009 01:41

Ya, just don't want to take off the BlowBack and not know how to put it back on, well I'll take it apart and see.

HaloSix4 August 11th, 2009 21:05

Ok, so now that I have time to work on it I ran into another snag, after removing the cap for the Stock tube, to remove the long screw, for some resin it is striped, I can't even get the Screw Driver into the Head of the Screw.

HaloSix4 August 27th, 2009 17:29

So now, I have taken it apart everything looks fine, after putting it back together the same thing happens it is just a screeching sound.

jtf2-phalanx August 27th, 2009 19:36

When you say everything looks fine, does that mean you opened the mechbox to check if the gears and piston teeth are all okay? It just sounds like something is stripped.

Amos August 27th, 2009 19:44

motor height?

HaloSix4 August 27th, 2009 20:30

Ya everything is good internal wise, gears are intact, every thing looks in working order.
I've adjusted the motor as well that does not change anything.

yuhaoyang August 27th, 2009 22:00

pics of the open mechbox would help lots.

BORDENSNIPER August 28th, 2009 01:04

check the pinion gear on the motor.

also, run the motor not attached to the gun, it might be a motor problem such as a piece of watever is stuck in it and grinding.

HaloSix4 August 28th, 2009 01:18

Motor looks and sounds fine when not in the gun.

Kos-Mos August 29th, 2009 18:06

Take pliers, hold the motor pinion.

Plug it and fire while holding the motor body and pinion.

If it does the grinding, it is because the pinion got lose.

You can remove it with a puller and install one that uses a set screw to stay in place.

HaloSix4 August 30th, 2009 01:25

Nope that does not work but the motor does not move when held by the pliers

HaloSix4 September 2nd, 2009 17:06

Okay, so after taking it apart again I noticed that one gear has a tooth snapped off, will that cause the grinding noise, If I'm going to order new gear I just want to make sure that's the problem. Looks like this Only the lower gear though


HaloSix4 September 4th, 2009 16:27

I'm going to order a gear set, what do you guys think would be best to go with.

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