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Able1 July 22nd, 2009 13:04

Parental Issues.
Hey, I have a problem.

I turned 18 as of last May, I am living at home with my parents who come straight out of the Philippines, Mother from Manilla my Father from somewhere in Pangasinan my father had a real M1911 and used to go the range alongside American military stationed there, hes an avid firearms enthusiast until he moved here. My father has a good understanding about airsoft and knows that it is completely controlled and safe. My mother on the other hand has only one ear on at all times she barely listens to me let alone gives a crap about what I do(dont worry this isnt an "I hate my parents rant") I love this sport , I dont think i ever want a real gun or will ever join the armed forces, This sport will do good for now. My mother thinks that i am some kind of delinquent who spends all his time doing stupidity like gang-Banging and shit, just because I am not at home.

I live a normal life I graduated from high school with flying colors she wouldnt know that she didnt come to my graduation. Im a Theatre student, I play my ps3, I go out with my girlfriend, the worst ill ever do is drink even than i dont do it to get drunk.

Yesterday evening Buzzrexx came down to hep me out with my gun, telling me how things work giving me advice on upgrades. And my mom started saying shit under her voice and giving buzz weird looks behind his back(shoulda seen her face when she saw his kit), Hes a guest and a new friend and the fact that he drove to me to help me out means a ton.
(+1000 to you buzz sorry again) When buzz left my mom told me that she didn't want me doing this sport and shes gonna throw out all my shit, I dont do anything with my life yadah yadah yadah.

I dont know what to do I wish they understood English, I understand tagalog but i just wish i could clearly tell them im not doing anything stupid.

Does anyone know what I should do, I am not going to drop this sport im 18 I am somewhat of an adult. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thenooblord July 22nd, 2009 13:07

Ask your dad to explain to her what the hell is going on?

The Saint July 22nd, 2009 13:12

Lock all your stuff up in a box, chain the box to something solid, move out at the earliest financially practical time.

pusangani July 22nd, 2009 13:13

lol Welcome to the world of filipina moms, my gf is filipina and her mom is super paranoid about everything, you just gotta deal with it, she's set in her ways and you are her baby boy so there's no changin her. Just try to keep it out of her sight, maybe go to Buzz's place next time instead of him coming to you

You could tell your dad how you feel, but it prolly won't do much good tho, unless he's real old fashioned and straightens her out hehhe

and you don't look like a gangster, tell your mom that Pus said you are a good boy :)

Able1 July 22nd, 2009 13:17

Lol "Old Fashioned" I like that, My mom doesn't care for what anyone else in the family thinks. I NEED A LETTER IN TAGALOG, which i dont speak fluently, Also I cant go to Buzz's joint hes in Pickering? I think.

m102404 July 22nd, 2009 13:18

Get a job, move out of your house, support yourself...send a card at the holidays. Send them extra money...drop by to clean the gutters and cut the lawn (and then leave).

You'll find your parents (especially your mom) will mellow out a lot after that.

The issue is're cramping their lifestyle and they want you gone. Your mom didn't decide to spend the rest of her life with two guys...she picked your dad. You're the +1 in that house.

They've put up with your presence for 18yrs...that's enough for anyone.

They even started a new life in another country to give you a better chance to move out...and you're still there. Take the hint.

Just what your mom says...she's your mom

Kuro_Neko July 22nd, 2009 13:28


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 1030137)
Lock all your stuff up in a box, chain the box to something solid, move out at the earliest financially practical time.

A big +1. Mothers really will do stuff like that, I know first hand. And you really don't want her throwing out a thousand plus dollars worth of gear.

Forever_kaos July 22nd, 2009 13:41

I walked in with my first airsoft gun, plopped it down on the couch mom screamed at me yelled at me all that fun loving stuff...
... Only because she thought it was real :)

Still was pretty pissed about airsoft, but I kept to it told her I'm not giving up something I love that is not harmful to me and what not.
Now she's meh accepting of it.

Years of work, keep at it!.

Or, get a local rep to maybe see if he'll stop by and talk to your parents about it, see if he can help or shine some light on this demonic, unholy satan loving sport
Good luck.

Shirley July 22nd, 2009 13:51

It happens. Women. It's alright, explain to her you are responsible for your own actions. But if your father and mother is paying for the house and food you live and eat from, you respect them. As others have stated, you can move out with a friend, but even trying to rent a place when you have airsoft is 10x worst than what your mom gives you.
Your mother just wants what is best for you. Do somethign to make her proud, then she can probably allow this stuff in the house.

Lawdog July 22nd, 2009 13:55

Dude, mother/son issues are as old as time itself.

All I offer you is to advise you stay calm and respectful, and wish you good luck.


Brian McIlmoyle July 22nd, 2009 13:56

This thread needs nothing more than this post below.

Read it.. do it.. otherwise you have no option but to do as she says .. you are after all BREATHING HER AIR.


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1030143)
Get a job, move out of your house, support yourself...send a card at the holidays. Send them extra money...drop by to clean the gutters and cut the lawn (and then leave).

You'll find your parents (especially your mom) will mellow out a lot after that.

The issue is're cramping their lifestyle and they want you gone. Your mom didn't decide to spend the rest of her life with two guys...she picked your dad. You're the +1 in that house.

They've put up with your presence for 18yrs...that's enough for anyone.

They even started a new life in another country to give you a better chance to move out...and you're still there. Take the hint.

Just what your mom says...she's your mom

Wilson July 22nd, 2009 14:50


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 1030137)
Lock all your stuff up in a box, chain the box to something solid, move out at the earliest financially practical time.

+ 1

murduck72 July 22nd, 2009 15:41

Indeed...take the hint.

giddy up


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1030143)
Get a job, move out of your house, support yourself...send a card at the holidays. Send them extra money...drop by to clean the gutters and cut the lawn (and then leave).

You'll find your parents (especially your mom) will mellow out a lot after that.

The issue is're cramping their lifestyle and they want you gone. Your mom didn't decide to spend the rest of her life with two guys...she picked your dad. You're the +1 in that house.

They've put up with your presence for 18yrs...that's enough for anyone.

They even started a new life in another country to give you a better chance to move out...and you're still there. Take the hint.

Just what your mom says...she's your mom

Trapper1 July 22nd, 2009 16:14

Just think, You could have an entire room dedicated to you guns and gear. Believe me, it's a fuckin glorious thing to have rather than a corner in your bedroom.:D

Good luck, You'll need it

L473ncy July 22nd, 2009 19:44

That's actually the same with pretty much every single parent.

I'm sure my parents think I'm retarded or something. I swear they treat me like one. I passed high school with honours and got into university (with a scholarship), lived on my own for 8 months and still they treat me like a kid who doesn't know anything about the world. They never listen to my advice.

You think you've had it bad? Once my parents make up their mind that's final period. Even my grand mom is like that. Once she gets an idea it has to be done and has to be done now, even if I'm working on something else (eg. painting the house or fixing the fence) she gets me to do pointless things around her house in the middle of me doing it so I have to put all my shit down and do some pointless task for like 10 minutes and start to do whatever I was doing before which pretty much wastes like 10 minutes of time I could have been doing something plus the time it takes me to get setup again.

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