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Con Murder June 23rd, 2009 01:58

BDU: take no offense
First off please understand that not everyone wants to run around dressed like a soldier in the most realistic milsim ever.

I want to make my BDU acceptable by the greater comunity, but am going with hunting cammo for the pants and shirt. A molle hydrapack vest and maybe a belt will keep me loaded up well enough.

How acceptable is this on fields (I wanna game with all you guys!)????????
With mixing the hunting cammo, a multi-cam vest and half mask are people goona cringe and avoid eye contact?

The thing is I already have shitty hunting cammo that works so well in the 20-30 foot range that airsofters find themselves in. I love the idea of looking like no one else would and having my own PMC kinda signature.

In the worst case I would grab the olive drab shit I could for cheep but I really wanna game in the loadout I mentioned. Any reason why I shpould avoid this investment?

Kuro_Neko June 23rd, 2009 02:05

It really depends on who you're playing with. Some players and/or groups are really strict about dress code, even to the extent of limiting it to a specific camo pattern. Most are fine with any kind of camo and really only have problems with street clothes. Some, usually due to necessity, will even accept street clothes.

My only suggestion is to ask the people you're likely to be playing with.

Cheesevillage June 23rd, 2009 02:06

Man. Keep it real and do your own thing.

That said, hunting camo is stupid :D

Airsoft loses all its meaning when people start mixing and matching
gear and gun types/nationalities.

If you want totally useful, built from the ground up, and designed with
only function in mind, go play paintball. Airsoft guns are bound to their real
steel counterparts and in some cases function of the gun suffers.
The same can be said about camo.

Airsoft is about image. A well outfitted and trained airsoft team will elevate the ambiance of play and make it more enjoyable.


Skladfin June 23rd, 2009 02:25

we dont really give a shit here in lower mainland :D

Danke June 23rd, 2009 02:30

Well the guys on here I've seen from Alberta seem pretty serious about turning out with decent gear.

I'd work up some sort of PMCish rig. Plate carrier, tan or OD gear, low key but not looking ghetto.

Cheesevillage June 23rd, 2009 02:58

Jeans + t-shirt look fine if you have a $350 eagle setup :rolleyes:

Snake Eyes June 23rd, 2009 03:18

Honestly dude, wear Wutever u want. There r some really awesome hunting cams out there. If u want the PMC or merc look then hell ya, mix it up. A lot of us do. Bottom line is have fun. Wear Wut ur comfortable in.

Mudder June 23rd, 2009 03:48


Originally Posted by Snake Eyes (Post 1012231)
Honestly dude, wear whatever you want. There are some really awesome hunting cams out there. If you want the PMC or merc look then hell ya, mix it up. A lot of us do. Bottom line is have fun. Wear what you're comfortable in.

THAT, is the best answer of all here.

FOX_111 June 23rd, 2009 10:36

Yeah, it's all good for a skirmish... but if there is a milsim with a uniforme rule, don't show up ignoring the rules, or the parking will be the only place you will see all day.

ShelledPants June 23rd, 2009 10:52


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1012290)
Yeah, it's all good for a skirmish... but if there is a milsim with a uniforme rule, don't show up ignoring the rules, or the parking will be the only place you will see all day.


Unless the game staff have stated in the rules that a strict uniform must be followed, then show up in whatever the hell you want. A lot of milsim games even have a team designated as "civilian/guerrilla" where they are NOT allowed to where military BDU's or military camouflage.

EDIT: Also, people need to get their head out of their ass for scirms without camo rules, I know a certain somebody who runs a hawaiian t-shirt to most games and it doesn't effect his ability to kick ass and chew bubble gum one bit.

Con Murder June 23rd, 2009 13:16


Originally Posted by Cheesevillage (Post 1012206)
Man. Keep it real and do your own thing.

That said, hunting camo is stupid :D

HAHA, ya one feild here likes 'olive drab' to be the non-cammo BDU. And I told him I rocked some hunting shit, he frowned.
Truth is that I should probably get some tan/olive pants to meet requirements from all areas.
Planning to get that molle vest should keep most off my back for gear right? Or am I missing something obviouse? I know since army of two PMC has been played up a lot. What kinda stuff do you guys use to make yourselves individual yet functional? It hasn't become 'the kid with the most/best toys wins' has it?
What else would keep others from playing with us? (Exclude the obviouse calling hits and curtiouse play style)

CDN_Stalker June 23rd, 2009 13:34

I'm going to make it a point someday to show up at a milsim dressed in borrowed Real Tree camo and get away with it. Because I can. :D

Con Murder June 23rd, 2009 13:45


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1012363)
I'm going to make it a point someday to show up at a milsim dressed in borrowed Real Tree camo and get away with it. Because I can. :D

And all I want is to play acceptably.... I guess all the big ships make waves!

I find that as long as its not blaze orange I can sit in some bush as people get really close, I have had to wait for them to walk far enough away so I wouldn't hurt them!
My buddies in CADPAT and multicam arn't able to say that!

Now if I made a bunch of 'attachments' to hunting camo could I call it a self made guillie? HAHA lies and loop holes!

Deadpool June 23rd, 2009 14:07

I watch "Top Sniper 2" on the Military Channel and the winning team (Army Markmanship Unit) Did their final competition in a hunting camo, not ACU or any other "Hightech" camos.

So bottom line, go for functionality, because even the pros do it!

AngelusNex June 23rd, 2009 14:31

hunting camo is amazing... unless your moving...and it's always good to have a couple of different set of BDUs as some games are: these camos vs those camos and others are tan patterns vs green patterns


Originally Posted by Deadpool (Post 1012380)
I watch "Top Sniper 2" on the Military Channel and the winning team (Army Markmanship Unit) Did their final competition in a hunting camo, not ACU or any other "Hightech" camos.

So bottom line, go for functionality, because even the pros do it!

Don't watch those shows thinking "it's fact" as the are just entertainment, The us army snipers may use hunting camo, they may not, I don't know, but I do know you should never trust what you see in a television show unless you can find something somewhere else to back it up.

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