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Disco_Dante April 23rd, 2009 15:05

KSC announces rereleased TMP... BOOYAH!

They've released it this time as the Brugger and Tomet version. Looks pretty sexy to me. I hope they've updated it with their ns2 or system 7 system.

White_knight April 23rd, 2009 15:06

I came...

Disco_Dante April 23rd, 2009 15:09

I'm a huge fan of compact SMGs, so I definitely beat you to needing a new pair of pants.

Mudder April 23rd, 2009 15:21

I like the lower middle pic....
looks like it could be tucked into a holster...

Mud Gunner April 23rd, 2009 15:24

...wonders if its my birthday yet...

Donster April 23rd, 2009 15:27

ya i like the plain TMP. i dont like it with the rails and folding stock

ILLusion April 23rd, 2009 15:45

Not a fan of the rails, but the muzzle looks great. The folding stock looks to be a very practical solution as well.

I've always wanted their older TMP, but the issues of the back blowing off were a huge turn off. Maybe now's my chance to finally get a GBB SMG...

Mudder April 23rd, 2009 16:05


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 970008)
Not a fan of the rails, but the muzzle looks great. The folding stock looks to be a very practical solution as well.

I've always wanted their older TMP, but the issues of the back blowing off were a huge turn off. Maybe now's my chance to finally get a GBB SMG...

had to come back to take another look at that middle pic...
It may not fit into a western-cowboy style holster but it could fit into a tac holster.....and if the price is right I may give up my search for the Auto9 and get two of these for ambidextrous action,then all I need after that is a shotgun or a bolt-action.

(hey you guys like to play milsim...I like to play "Firefly")

HaZarD SFD April 23rd, 2009 16:06


pusangani April 23rd, 2009 16:07

ill take one too pls

Invasian April 23rd, 2009 16:09

For those who know me: I already snapped/broke some vital part of this gun just by looking at myself put 4000 rds through it....

Amos April 23rd, 2009 16:12

internals look to be the exact same as they were before...

This gun is a huge pain in the ass to work on... but when you get it working... oh my god is it ever amazing.

The middle one without a grip is the SPP. If these things become super popular, I know some one who makes Kydex holsters... if there's enough interest I could get a small batch of kydex retention holsters made.

Disco_Dante April 23rd, 2009 16:23


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 970029)
internals look to be the exact same as they were before...

I hope you're wrong, and that they've updated it to their new Ns2 or system 7, because if they haven't... ugh.

Amos April 23rd, 2009 16:36


After some digging work with the help of some of my friends...

The new gun they're releasing isn't the TMP, It's a B&T MP9 (The MP9 is based off the TMP)!! :)

I'll keep trying to work it out...

Huron April 23rd, 2009 16:45

YES MP9. That was mah gat in RSV. I love the way the stock looks.

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