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Jimski February 25th, 2009 20:50

A very bad spring
Heya all,

did it ever happened to some of you, getting a spring that should give x fps and getting half of it ?
or very inconsistent springs?
or very consistently low?

Could there ever be several really bad springs in a batch ?


Styrak February 25th, 2009 21:05

I know PDI has or used to have really bad consistency between their springs.
What brand is it?

Jimski February 25th, 2009 21:28


Styrak February 25th, 2009 21:37


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 927677)

Prometheus should be the last springs having problems.

Probably an airseal problem, an air leak somewhere.

skalnok February 25th, 2009 21:40

i had a spring in my g36 that was shooting 368.. gundoc said spring was in wrong and he put it in properly.... now the gun is shooting 398 lol

sgtscarfy February 25th, 2009 21:40

Is it installed in the correct direction? That can give you a lower than ideal fps but im not sure if its enough to half it...

Shirley February 25th, 2009 21:58

Some can be low due to piston position. Having the piston locked back about more then half way or so, the spring will lose power if you don't shoot semi to have it returned back in place.

Styrak February 25th, 2009 22:09


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 927701)
Some can be low due to piston position. Having the piston locked back about more then half way or so, the spring will lose power if you don't shoot semi to have it returned back in place.

I don't think he's chronying on full auto :rolleyes:

Shirley February 25th, 2009 22:16


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 927713)
I don't think he's chronying on full auto :rolleyes:

Sorry, not like that. I meant if you forget and leave your gun while the piston is not fully returned, you will lose power in the spring.

KhaosGott February 25th, 2009 23:21

Also make sure the spring is installed correctly, backwards springs can cause aprox 30 fps loss (only certain ones not exact on which just yet)

Originally Posted by skalnok (Post 927687)
i had a spring in my g36 that was shooting 368.. gundoc said spring was in wrong and he put it in properly.... now the gun is shooting 398 lol

like he says basically

airseal would be another possible problem.

Jimski February 28th, 2009 12:11

well I have 2 prometheus spring with absolutely terrible performance ( around 250 - 300 fps ) and 2 with good classic performances.
I spent months wonderwing what the fuck was wrong to figure out in the end that 2 of my springs were fucked up.They'd give terrible performance in any gun, creating jamming problems and such.
All other springs I tried ( including some systema and stock ones ) gave perfectly coherent FPS with my guns.
they were BNIB.
Aaaargghh !

so be careful.

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