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cranium_bear February 19th, 2009 19:08

pissed right off
I ordered some tokyo marui gun powder last summer. its been being held by customs since september. i didn't get an letter or a call or anything as to why it was being held. canada post says they sent me 3 letters. turns out that canada post cannot transport compressed gasses. if they contacted me like they said they did i could have had it fedexed to me and i would have gladly paid the extra cost. now its been destroyed.
i'm so glad canada post knows what they are doing . .

FOX_111 February 19th, 2009 19:11


Originally Posted by cranium_bear (Post 923173)
I ordered some tokyo marui gun powder last summer. its been being held by customs since september. i didn't get an letter or a call or anything as to why it was being held. canada post says they sent me 3 letters. turns out that canada post cannot transport compressed gasses. if they contacted me like they said they did i could have had it fedexed to me and i would have gladly paid the extra cost. now its been destroyed.
i'm so glad canada post knows what they are doing . .

TM gun powder?

And ordering airsoft guns outside of canada was just against what is recommended here, for the very reason you mentionned. If by gun powder you ment an AEG or something like it.

JTF27 February 19th, 2009 19:14


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 923174)
TM gun powder?

And ordering airsoft guns outside of canada was just against what is recommended here, for the very reason you mentionned. If by gun powder you ment an AEG or something like it.

I think he is referring to green gas or something.

ShelledPants February 19th, 2009 19:14

If by gun powder you mean Green Gas, use propane and an AI adapter found here

Hades February 19th, 2009 19:22

Tis considered hazardous materials. Just like much to my dismay I cant order my really expensive bottles of absinthe online cause cp wont ship them.

cranium_bear February 19th, 2009 19:22

toky marui gunpowder is the brand name of the gas that tokyo hobby sells . the tetraflorothane mixed with pure liquid silicone. i alreddy have an adaptor and all that. i ordered that gas (casue its made for use in my gun) shortly after i got my gun.

Tex February 19th, 2009 19:25

what happened to

Originally Posted by cranium_bear (Post 853252)
im done wiht airsoft.

ShelledPants February 19th, 2009 19:28


Originally Posted by cranium_bear (Post 923189)
toky marui gunpowder is the brand name of the gas that tokyo hobby sells . the tetraflorothane mixed with pure liquid silicone. i alreddy have an adaptor and all that. i ordered that gas (casue its made for use in my gun) shortly after i got my gun.

Flammable gases are still flammable gasses. :)

cranium_bear February 19th, 2009 19:30


Originally Posted by Tex (Post 923194)
what happened to

well gun gas never did send me the stuff i paid for , and i was all ready to sell my gun, even had a buyer, then i watched the vid of the gun in action again to relive the feelings of aw and stuff and then i just couldn't sell my gun. i mean i couldn't. i tried, i tried hard. so i just went and bought an adapter from someone else. problem now its i had one day of fun with it and now all the seals are swollen cause i used to heavy a silicone lube in it.

cranium_bear February 19th, 2009 19:31


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 923195)
Flammable gases are still flammable gasses. :)

yes they are! yes they are.

ShelledPants February 19th, 2009 19:36


Originally Posted by cranium_bear (Post 923199)
well gun gas never did send me the stuff i paid for , and i was all ready to sell my gun, even had a buyer, then i watched the vid of the gun in action again to relive the feelings of aw and stuff and then i just couldn't sell my gun. i mean i couldn't. i tried, i tried hard. so i just went and bought an adapter from someone else. problem now its i had one day of fun with it and now all the seals are swollen cause i used to heavy a silicone lube in it.

Yep, you fucked up. :)

The guys at AI are really good people, I'm sure (positive, as in %100) that you made a mistake while ordering the adapter from them, and if you had followed up with some research, you would have known what weight silicone oil to use.

If you've fucked the seals, there are not many places other than the manufacturer to get them, most people open the mags and use different methods of liquid sealers.

So here, go buy new mags, they are NOT restricted.

cranium_bear February 19th, 2009 20:49


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 923212)
Yep, you fucked up. :)

The guys at AI are really good people, I'm sure (positive, as in %100) that you made a mistake while ordering the adapter from them, and if you had followed up with some research, you would have known what weight silicone oil to use.

If you've fucked the seals, there are not many places other than the manufacturer to get them, most people open the mags and use different methods of liquid sealers.

So here, go buy new mags, they are NOT restricted.

they are good people but is till haven't gotten my goods. they took 3 months to send them to me, then they said they sent them to me , tracked the order and it said it was delivered successfully. i told them , they asked to confirm my address, i did, postal code was wrong but like the guy at canada post said it still should have gotten to me cause both postal codes deliver to my place. i told them there was some confusion over a typo in my address to reconfirm, they never got back to me.

yah the lube i should have done my research, i asked a few times on here what to use, i went with the gun gas gus lube, never go tot me asked for another option. musta bought the wrong stuff. (ie heavy duty) LOL! its not just the mag seals that are gone . its all the rubber components in my gun, including the barrel seal and the slide seals.

ty for the help

bought 2 mags.

ShelledPants February 19th, 2009 20:55


Originally Posted by cranium_bear (Post 923279)
its all the rubber components in my gun, including the barrel seal and the slide seals.

ty for the help

By "barrel seal" do you mean the hop up rubber? I don't know about "slide seals".

Are you sure it was pure silicone oil? I can't see it doing THAT much damage to a gun just for being a heavy weight... I may be wrong though.

The Saint February 19th, 2009 20:58

I've seen hopup sleeve swelling from even the silicon oil from AI. I think depends on the rubber used.

CDN_Stalker February 19th, 2009 20:58

Oh boy.

Go to your local hobby shop and buy a bottle of "RC Shock Oil", is what all the cool peeps use, and buy your keyboard duster from computer stores, check the label (generally in the WARNING/FIRST AID part of the label) to see if it's diflouroethane (weaker) or tetraflouroethane (stronger, weaker than propane).


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 923283)
I've seen hopup sleeve swelling from even the silicon oil from AI. I think depends on the rubber used.

AI stuff is 5 weight, stuff I always use is 20-30 weight, since I also use it for GBB internals.

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