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Old School Punk January 29th, 2009 13:42

How To Add A Signature Picture ?
Hey guys, I know that this info must be on the site somewhere, but I can't fricken find it. :confused:

How can I add one of those snazzy Signature Pictures to my posts?

I see a lot of you guys got little animated pictures of the guns you own and stuff like that. I would like to do something like that myself, but can't figure out how to do it.

Also what is the maximum allowed size for these pics?

Someone please point me in the right direction

Thanks in advance


The Saint January 29th, 2009 13:47

For sizes:

KNIVEZS January 29th, 2009 13:48

Ktown Militia January 29th, 2009 13:58

get in good with some of the members, and maybe they might be able to collab a sig with some pictures of you. like I did.....:D

Old School Punk January 29th, 2009 15:06

Kool, very Kool!

Thanks for the info guys.


Old School Punk January 29th, 2009 16:00

Okay, okay, okay... (doing my best Joe Peschi from Lethal Weapon 4 :D)
Here is my signature picture!
So now how do I add this picture to my signature?

Ha I did it! Cancel that boys, I figured it out, I think!


ShelledPants January 29th, 2009 16:01


Originally Posted by Old School Punk (Post 907702)
Okay, okay, okay... (doing my best Joe Peschi from Lethal Weapon 4 :D)

Here is my signature picture!

So now how do I add this picture to my signature?


I approve of the music and the irony. :)

The Saint January 29th, 2009 16:08

ONE image, at a maximum of 100 pixels high, 512 pixels wide.

I think you've sized your image at 200x600+, which is the amount of text you're permitted in a signature that doesn't include any images. You can't have an image that's 200x600+.

TokyoSeven January 29th, 2009 16:41

Once you have aquired your image in the appropriate size.

Click User CP.
Then click signiture on the left hand side.
Use whatever image hospting website you wish to host the image.
Insert the link for the image inside the space, if the website you are using only offers a direct link than please make sure to place the link in between [img] [/img] to make it appear appropriately.

Please remeber to keep your images sizing with in this websites set guide lines.

Old School Punk January 29th, 2009 17:03

I am working on guys, unfortunately my phone a work keeps ringing and getting in the way of me resizing my picture.


P.S. Thanks again for assistance boys!

Old School Punk January 29th, 2009 17:17

:tup:Hey Shelled pants, thanks for the nod, I am all about the "Irony" :cool:



P.S. Hey dude I like your hat, I got one of them myself!

Desmodus January 29th, 2009 18:32


Originally Posted by Old School Punk (Post 907793)
Hey Shelled pants, thanks for the nod, I am all about the "Irony" :cool:



P.S. Hey dude I like your hat, I got one of them myself!

OMG... A TOOL fan!? BRAVO :p Fucking LOVE them.

Old School Punk January 29th, 2009 20:17

I am a TOOL fanatic! Saw them twice last year and they blew my mind!

Maynard is a God!

Also really like Rage and NIN


Old School Punk January 30th, 2009 13:29

Just having a little fun with this
Work is slow today....

I hope that I am still well within the posting rules / guidelines.


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