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Bob the Angry Potato January 29th, 2009 01:13

Unconventional paintjobs...
Flabeo and I got bored earlier tonight, and realized my boring PTW Challenge Kit was a bit... lame. We went to Michael's and bought some paint... he joined in, and we ended up with these.
Any other unconventional personal little paintjobs out there?

Flabeo January 29th, 2009 01:16

Heres mine. I went for more of an art thing.

Shrapnel[Op-For] January 29th, 2009 02:04

oh my...

KNIVEZS January 29th, 2009 02:05

poor PTW :D

Saint_blackhand January 29th, 2009 03:25

Hey, I still say just one work "wood-chipper"

LUTNIT January 29th, 2009 03:33

Is that Krylon OD? Its just that it looks like it has too much of a blue tint to it and it looks semi-glossy.

I have always liked guns with some solid painted details and not a complete camo job. My ICS CQBR is similar except replace OD with Flat Dark Earth.

I have two "Skullmaster" airbrush templates done by Craig Fraisher (apparently hes famous in the custom motorcycle painting field) that I have been really wanting to use as a camo pattern. They are tiny so from a distance it would look digital but close up you would be able to see the skulls. Might try it on my EBR, have it base coated tan but ran out of Krylon...

Bob the Angry Potato January 29th, 2009 13:38

That's 'Italian Olive' that I accidentally bought in Satin finish at Can Tire. It's much better when there's no camera flash, but it does the job decently well.

Hmm... any examples of these stencils?

Jimski January 29th, 2009 13:50

home depot has an amazing range of OD/tan colors, many more than CT.
they're not Krylon though

Dracheous January 29th, 2009 13:55


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 907605)
home depot has an amazing range of OD/tan colors, many more than CT.
they're not Krylon though

But they are often, not flat and instead eggshell, satan, or high gloss paints, you have to be careful sometimes as they do not state what they are unless you read the paint codes which not many of us know by heart nor carry a list of em.

Jimski January 29th, 2009 15:14

satin often means gloss for krylon :)

the ones I'm talking about are super flat enamels...

Dracheous January 29th, 2009 15:24


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 907664)
satin often means gloss for krylon :)

the ones I'm talking about are super flat enamels...

Yes, but its not quite "high gloss" now is it ;).

I didn't say that HD didn't have flats, just that the majority of their selection and my majority I mean 90% of it all has some sort of gloss to it.

yanhchan January 29th, 2009 15:54

Loving the design on the helmet. Nice reciever markings!

FOX_111 January 29th, 2009 15:56

A little bit too harley davidson paintball to me.

LUTNIT January 29th, 2009 21:55


Originally Posted by Dracheous (Post 907609)
But they are often, not flat and instead eggshell, satan, or high gloss paints,

Dude, Satan makes paint? Does God know about this?

Templates here:

I have "Bonz" the third one down. I picked them up at the art and drafting store I go to for airbrush supplies for model making. I figured since its kind of a dense pattern it would look okay. Already have my EBR based Krylon tan with OD and brown stripes, going to put the template to use once I get some more tan since I ran out.

Shirley January 29th, 2009 22:14

If only laser engraved. lol more detail.

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