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comrade1 January 9th, 2009 13:14

making a field
I was woundering what I would need to get, or do to posibly start a field were a future team could play

Donster January 9th, 2009 13:32

secure a piece of land that is both large enough and able to be shielded from public view. It should also be far away from wandering eyes so that they dont get shot out. other than that, you might want to look into insurance if you intend on making this a public field. Other than that, just get some local high school kids in shop class to build you barricades and obstacles and you can pay them $10/ hour, or you can get some of your buddies to do it (if they have the knowledge) and pay them in beer.

FOX_111 January 9th, 2009 16:39

The way you spell sound like you are french.

Alors, avant de partir un terrain, commence par venir jouer avec les autres et voir ce que ça prend. Ensuite tu verras si ton projet est faisable. Oh et ça prend 18 ans minimum pour jouer.

L473ncy January 9th, 2009 18:21

Don't forget to factor in insurance, redevelopment, and zoning.

It's actually quite hard to make a business out of a field but go for it if you've got a good business plan and have the capital and risk tolerance for it then go for it. It would be appreciated but don't forget about your personal time and personal finances.

Neil_N January 10th, 2009 10:31

And just for a backup I would also suggest making it a paintball field as the market is much bigger and it will allow you to cater to the small airsoft community while still making a respectable income

comrade1 January 10th, 2009 20:58

I dont actually plan on making this public in the cence that you just show up... pay $20 to get in and play for a day. more for just practicing with a team

Neil_N January 10th, 2009 21:07

In that case you could just use a farm as long as it’s far enough away from town that people won't see you. I used to play paintball at a buddy’s farm all the time and besides the fact that air soft is a bit more realistic as long as its your property or you have permission to be there the cops wont take to much care if your responsible.

surebet January 10th, 2009 21:22

How old are you?

This isn't to belittle you, but if you're a minor, be aware that you are gambling your family's finanial seurity by opening a field.

comrade1 January 10th, 2009 21:32


Originally Posted by surebet (Post 895507)
How old are you?

This isn't to belittle you, but if you're a minor, be aware that you are gambling your family's finanial seurity by opening a field.


comrade1 January 10th, 2009 21:35

I just plan on just making the team sign a waver, wear mandatory safty glasses, this will basicly be a place were the team gets together and plays a little airsoft to just practice and improve our skills.

L473ncy January 10th, 2009 21:40

Don't forget though that Canada is becoming all "lawsuit this, restraining order that" much like the US. If you've got a couple people you know well who won't sue you for every little thing then go for it.

Also WARN LAW ENFORCEMENT BEFORE YOU PLAY! It's important that they know what you're going to be doing, although if people do complain and call in they must go and check it out (or something to that effect) so be warned of that.

I don't really condone that though (playing on a farm or w/e), but I guess you gotta make due with what you've got.

TokyoSeven January 10th, 2009 21:58

I would just like to touch on the subject of insurance for a moment. In short its actually alot more complicated than one would think as there are only a small tiny handful of companies in Canada that would even offer to provide coverage for this type of thing. In short once you source out the company and apply to them for coverage they may still decline you if they have no interest in such a thing. If you are approved however the cost is extremely expensive per year.

comrade1 January 10th, 2009 22:15


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 895532)
I would just like to touch on the subject of insurance for a moment. In short its actually alot more complicated than one would think as there are only a small tiny handful of companies in Canada that would even offer to provide coverage for this type of thing. In short once you source out the company and apply to them for coverage they may still decline you if they have no interest in such a thing. If you are approved however the cost is extremely expensive per year.

ok, thanks for the heads up

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